Trick-or-Treat: DWIs This Halloween

Driving is one aspect of our lives that we ultimately practice almost every day. Whether we are behind the wheel, and on the road commuting to and form work, running one of our never ending errands, or dropping off the kids at soccer practice it feels like the majority of our lives are spent on the road. While we would like to believe that we are safe every time we are “out and about” that is simply just not the case at all. Today, many drivers are not only driving recklessly, but also driving while intoxicated.

The Facts of The Matter

Halloween is one holiday this month that will mean many people will be out on the road from now up until the actual holiday running around town trying to find the perfect costume, decorations, and picking up candy for the infamous little trick-or-treaters. However, another aspect of life that will be on the road this holiday season is that of alcohol. While Halloween is one holiday that many children partake in and enjoy, and adults do as well, which gives them the opportunity to blow of steam, dress up, and have a little fun. Usually, adults observing the holiday will either go to either a function, or a party, which usually means alcohol will be a guest as well.

However, Halloween is one holiday that drivers, and parents alike need to make sure alcohol and DWIs are far away from any road. Halloween produces many pedestrians out on sidewalks, and roads trick-or-treating, or visiting with friends and neighbors while enjoying the cool, Fall weather now upon us. In the past, we can see many cases in which adults have participated in Halloween functions, became intoxicated, and got behind the wheel of a vehicle thinking they were sober enough to operate their vehicle. Unfortunately, the consequence of these drivers getting behind the wheel while intoxicated, especially during this holiday season not only result in serious injuries, both from motor vehicle operators and pedestrians alike, but also death.

This Halloween make sure that the holiday is not a trick, and a treat for all motor vehicle operators, pedestrians, and trick-or-treaters by following the rules of the road properly, and keeping alcohol off the road.

Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499.  All initial consultations are free.  Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.