Texas Family Law Attorney Says Letting Go of Yesterday Will Help You Today

Divorce is the legal means by which a marriage ends. It is a critical step to take if you need to separate your life from the life of the person that you married. The divorce process and the divorce decree that is the result of that process answer some questions about what your life and the life of your former spouse will look like as each of you moves forward. You and your spouse will make decisions during your divorce about how your assets and debts will be divided, how time with your children will be divided, and whether any money will flow from one of you to the other on an ongoing basis, there are many things that your divorce case and your divorce decree won’t resolve. These issues must be addressed in different ways so that you can truly move forward with your life.

The feelings that you have towards your former spouse and the way that you interact with them during and after your divorce play a significant role in shaping your life both during and after your divorce. A divorce is always the beginning of a changed life, but you are primarily responsible for the direction that that changed life takes. Some divorced and divorcing individuals choose to seek healing of the hurts that they experienced during their marriage and the breakdown of their marriage. Some forgive their former spouse for all of the things that they feel were wrong in their marriage and resolve to let the past remain in the past as they develop a new way of interacting with their former spouse that is not bitter or angry. Others choose to hold tightly onto the pain that they feel their former spouse caused them, and to interact with their former spouse in an angry, bitter, and often confrontational manner. As they move forward into their life without their former spouse by their side, they continue to focus on how they were wronged, sometimes even long after the marriage has ended.

If you are divorcing or are divorced, I would like to encourage you to let your marriage stay in the past where it belongs. You do not have to carry the pain and anger forward into today, tomorrow, or next week. You can move forward with your divorce proceedings and your post-divorce life with the wisdom you gained along the way and the inspiration that comes from having a clean slate. The problems that you had during your marriage do not have to follow you through the rest of your life and steal your joy. It’s not always easy to heal the hurts of a marriage that ended in divorce, and anger and bitterness can be slow to leave the scene. However, you do not have to heal or forgive on your own. Many people can help you with the work of healing and forgiveness. Counselors, clergy, friends, and family are all potentially helpful resources who can help you set down your suitcases and unpack the emotional baggage of your marriage and divorce so that you can walk forward into the future with nothing holding you back from living in your full potential.

If you would like to talk with an attorney about divorce in Texas, call Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra with your Texas divorce questions today, at (903) 753-7499.