Texas Family Law Attorney Offers Tips for Divorcing Couples with Pets

Many couples in Texas and elsewhere share their lives with pets. In many households, pets are regarded as just as much a part of the family as the adults and children. When a couple who has one or more pets divorces, they may be surprised to learn that the law considers pets to be more like property than like members of the family. Fortunately, divorcing couples who have pets can choose how they would like to handle the issues associated with pet ownership as part of their divorce.

Some people meet their pet before they meet their spouse. In cases where one or both parties has one or more pets that they are bringing into a marriage, they may choose to address issues of pet ownership in prenuptial agreements. Of course, most couples do not have prenuptial agreements, so issues of pet ownership are often a part of the discussions that are associated with getting divorced.

If you have pets, it is important to understand that you and your soon to be former spouse can choose to address all of your pets’ needs as part of your divorce. Pets have needs, to be sure, and they also have feelings. Your divorce is something that they will experience on both a physical level and an emotional level. You already know that you will experience feelings associated with the change in the amount of time that you will be spending with your pet post-divorce. Your pet will also experience those feelings. When pets are given an opportunity to spend time with each of their “people”, they are much happier and much better able to adjust to the transition from one household into two.

Addressing the physical and emotional needs of pets and people in a divorce can be accomplished by creating a schedule of when the pet will spend time with each party, as well as an agreement regarding how food, veterinary care, and other expenses will be divided between the parties. If a divorcing couple has children, they will be making a schedule for parenting time, and it often makes sense to have the family pets travel between the parties’ homes right along with the kids.

Whether your Texas divorce is headed towards a mutually agreeable settlement or to the courtroom for litigation, it is important that you think carefully about what you would like to do about your pets. Taking the time to make a visitation schedule and divide the pet care responsibilities can go a long way towards ensuring that you and your pets enjoy a long and happy relationship both during and after your divorce. Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra understands how important your pets are to you and will work hard on your behalf to ensure that your pets’ needs are addressed in your divorce. If you have a question about how to handle questions regarding pet ownership or any other aspect of your Texas divorce, please call Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499.