Texas DWI Defense Attorney Talks About When DWI is Combined With Other Offenses
A woman who crashed her SUV into the front of an Irving jewelry store is charged with DWI, in addition to charges related to property damage. The wreck happened on a Tuesday morning after the woman had been out drinking at a bar in Dallas. She admitted to having been out drinking and identified herself as an eight on a scale of one to ten, where ten is drunk, and one is sober. Authorities also observed fresh vomit in the woman’s car and on her clothing, which supports the conclusion that she was indeed intoxicated when the crash happened.
DWI charges often occur in conjunction with other offenses. Many times, traffic offenses or charges related to an accident are filed in conjunction with DWI charges. Fortunately, the woman who crashed her vehicle into the jewelry store was not hurt. However, the DWI charges that were filed in conjunction with her wreck could take a long time to resolve. The door of the jewelry store was heavily damaged, and the crash also damaged other parts of the building. Fortunately, an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the collision indicates that it was an accident and that the woman was not attempting to rob the jewelry store, because that would result in additional charges.
DWI charges carry serious enough consequences on their own. Drivers who are accused of DWI could lose their driving privileges and may have difficulty getting to and from work. Their family may likewise face transportation challenges as a result of their inability to drive. DWI convictions often come with fines, requirements to complete counseling or education classes, and sometimes even imprisonment. Those things place demands on your time and money, resources that may already be in short supply. Charges filed in connection with DWI charges can result in additional fines, penalties, and even further imprisonment in some situations.
If you find yourself facing a DWI and other charges, it is critical that you seek help from a Texas DWI defense attorney right away. With your attorney’s aid, you can formulate a strategy for defending against the charges that have been filed against you. As your attorney works on the legal details of your case, they can also guide you so that you can work on mitigating the effects of the charges on your personal life. It may not be easy to work with an attorney towards resolving your case, but it is the best possible way to get your life moving in a positive direction. Failing to take action after being charged with DWI or attempting to defend yourself against DWI and other charges could result in much greater hardships for you and your family.
If you are facing DWI charges and charges for other offenses, a Texas DWI defense attorney can help you protect what’s most important to you. Your attorney will work to build a comprehensive defense strategy on your behalf while you focus on managing the personal concerns that your DWI arrest created in your life. Call Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499.