Tag Archive for: Longview Family Lawyer

Child Abuse Record High In Texas

Today, the world we live within is full of changes and possibilities. In the past many people were not given equal opportunities or rights, but today has certainly set the standard for many individuals to have possibilities of success and greatness that is not judged by gender, race, or even social class. However, there are also those individuals out there who have plenty of opportunities to be productive and do the right thing, but simply chose not to. One thing that an individual should not chose, but have to do is treat a child properly and safely.

Recently, many cases in Texas have begun to surface of that of child abuse. Of course everyone has heard stories or tells of the infamous “shaking baby syndrome” or children maybe having bruising in places that they did not have the day before. More and more children today are going to the hospital with fractured ribs, and other bones that can easily be the product of child abuse. However, one has to question the actual bone density of a child and that accidents can occur. Yet, accidents do not happen continuously with the same sort of instance occurring with the same individual, a child.

An article was written urging that children should have their bone density tested when a bone is fractured. Many would assume that a child would show signs of child abuse having occurred, but many true cases that deal with child abuse do not. Also, children and infants do not have a voice and cannot be heard. It is important to take all factors to mind when considering a child abuse case.

When an individual commits such a crude act such as child abuse they can easily face jail time, as well as the fact that they can instantly lose custody and guardianship of their child. Child abuse unfortunately is a very real aspect of our world today, and one can only hope that it will soon diminish.

Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499.  All initial consultations are free.  Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mediation or Court Settlement

Divorces can be sticky situations, and they can bring along numerous complications. Many are painful, and they have the potential take up a lot of time due to custody issues or disagreements due to the division of assets. To make the divorce case easier, not all of them go to court for a trial. Some are settled before it makes it that far. All divorce proceedings must go to a pretrial discovery, but after that is done, the people involved are usually advised to go to mediation. This is where the two spouses and their lawyers meet with a mediator, a hired third-party that is neutral and unbiased.

The mediator is used to help negotiate a settlement before the case is taken to court. This is a beneficial option to everyone involved, because it is cheaper and less stressful than court. If a settlement cannot be reached, the case then goes to court, but many cases can be solved in a mediation meeting. In court, a judge or jury determines the settlement. Though mediations can be helpful and can solve many cases, either spouse has the option to request that the case go on to trial. This is determined by the Texas Family Code that designates that certain issues may go on to be settled in a court of law.

In the United States, Texas is the only state that permits a jury to decide the outcome of child custody cases. Juries can also decide other subjects like marital property. A judge is required to decide on certain issues. One of which is the division of community estate. Another issue a judge decides is child support. If the parties do not request a jury, a judge decides all issues. A lawyer would be a great source of counsel to determine which path to take. Your lawyer has the experience and knowledge of the law to ensure that you make the right decisions in your divorce proceedings whether it is to go to trial or to have your case settled through mediation.

Divorces can be incredibly difficult to go through and to have a lawyer with your best interest in heart is an incredible asset to have as you go throughout your journey.

Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499.  All initial consultations are free.  Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Who Gets The Leash In A Divorce, Pet Custody

Life. It is completely unexpected, yet also predictable at many times. Of course, many people attempt to follow the traditional routine of life by participating in standard expectations such as education, employment, and romance. From there, romantic involvements, courtships, and eventual marriage can easily be inferred. Eventually one can even go so far to see children, and potential grandchildren in the eventual future. However, some people are not able to conceive children and seek giving their “love to a child” in the form of a household pet such as a dog, cat, or even a more exotic animal.

With the wheel of life still spinning it is surly inevitable that it will fall upon hard times of a marriage such as separation, or even divorce. In the instance that a divorce occurs one can assume that the process will be a long and lengthy one, which will separate the former couple’s assets. One thing that could particularly be an upset amongst both parties would be which former spouse gets custody of children, or even pets?

Pets are a huge deal with some within a divorce, especially if children are not present in the couple’s past. Pets are able to take the void of where children once were in an individual’s life, and give them content, and happiness.

Generally, the rule of pet custody lies with the pet itself stating that the pet will go to the individual it is bonded to more, or can count on a furtherment of their well-being. However, those individuals that feel like they truly deserve the custody of their pet are able to fight back within their alimony, or custodial settlements.

If an individual is truly seeking guardianship of their pet there are a few steps you can take in an attempt to get what you deserve. Many people attempt to provide documentation of them taking on the financial aspect of the pet, as well as providing food, and other miscellaneous aspects of keeping a pet. However, if the previous does not work an individual is encouraged to attempt to trade an aspect of their settlement over to the ex-spouse in order to gain guardianship.

Let us assist you and lessen the impact to your family. The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., provides effective and compassionate legal counsel for family law services. When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499.  All initial consultations are free.  Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are located in Longview, Texas, and represents clients throughout East Texas including Smith County, Gregg County, Upshur County, Marion County, Cass County, Rusk County, Bowie County, Panola County, Wood County, and Harrison County.  Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. is serves the following cities Longview, Marshall, Liberty City, Lakeport, Hallsville, Warren City, White Oak, East Mountain, Clarksville City, Gladewater, Big Sandy, Kilgore,  Gilmer, Jefferson, Linden, Atlanta, Henderson, Texarkana, Tyler and Carthage.