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Longview Criminal Defense Attorney Discusses the Job-Related Consequences of Criminal Convictions

It is common knowledge that a criminal record can significantly impact your ability to gain employment. Tragically, many people do not understand that having one or more criminal convictions on their criminal record has far-reaching consequences far beyond jail time, fines, court fees, and a damaged reputation. In fact, criminal convictions can affect every aspect of a person’s life for years after the criminal conviction.

Ordinarily, when people commit crimes, and they have paid their penalties and learned from their mistakes, they choose to live their lives as upstanding citizens. Many people live their lives without breaking the law. Unfortunately, the effects of a criminal conviction will follow a person well into the future, ruining everything that they have worked hard to accomplish.

By way of example, a man who finished law school and was later arrested for a crime could be denied practicing law. The man, who has invested years and tens of thousands of dollars in his education and did not commit any other crime, could be denied a law license. Moreover, the law school graduate may be denied entry into his state bar association. Although the law school graduate has paid for his crime, the conviction could prevent him from fulfilling his dream to be a lawyer since obtaining a law license may be permanently denied. No amount of good behavior can change what he has done. It is possible that the law school student could pursue getting licensed through the legal system, it is unlikely that he would be permitted to obtain a law license. 

Unfortunately, there are many professional licenses that are denied or revoked when the license holder is convicted of a crime. One mistake can cost a person hundreds of thousands of dollars in past, present, and future income. Under Texas law, there are about two hundred Texas laws related to employment that bar people from certain types of work following a criminal conviction. Tragically, these laws don’t provide rehabilitation options for convicts to be reinstated. Simply put, a crime is a permanent barrier to several types of employment in the State of Texas. 

If you have been arrested for any crime, call Longview Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra without delay. Attorney Alex Tyra works hard to defend the accused. If your criminal record prevents you from pursuing the work that you want to do, a Longview Criminal Defense Attorney might be able to help you. Call Attorney Alex Tyra, at (903) 753-7499, or contact us through our website by using our online contact form.