Sobriety Checkpoints and MADD: Texas Expectations

Learning is something that people do everyday. Whether it be a grandmother learning about the new technology arising, a student learning about biology, or even simply a child learning their ABC’s. Learning is an adaptive habit that individuals use on a day-to-day basis in order to carry out the tasks present before them. Recently, Texas A&M students have recently been reminded of what they learned in their high schools when dealing with drinking and driving.

Mother’s Against Drunk Driving, also known as MADD, is the United States not only leading, but largest anti-drinking and driving activist group within the country. The group has helped and fought for the justice when dealing with drinking and driving from students, and adults alike. Recently, the MADD Texas chapter has recently begun to tug at the threads of the longstanding ban on sobriety checkpoints within Texas in an attempt to institute them instead.

The MADD executive director has even come to publically state that the agenda is now leaning towards sobriety checkpoints being increased greatly for not only the drivers who seem to be under the influence of alcohol and, or other substances, but for every individual car going through the roadblock. Presently, law enforcement entities such as city, and county police officers, as well as the Texas Highway Patrol administer field sobriety tests.

With this issue at hand, some individuals are bound to become upset. In Texas, personal and individual liberty and freedoms are something that the citizens pride themselves as well as the state on. When an individual is forced to stop and be subjected to a field sobriety test without showing signs of being under the influence of alcohol, emotions can easily run high as well as tension since many have not in the past and still do not being subject to participating in the test if not necessary.

Overall, MADD is a public service entity that many other organizations should look at as a guiding light when dealing with any issue with their great commitment and diligence to end drinking and driving.

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