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The lives that we are living today are completely different than that of our grandparents, parents, and even some of our siblings. Although we face similar situations and challenges we now have new variables that set the stage with new possibilities and outcomes occurring. We are now having to deal with not only the predicted things happening, but are now encountering things for the first time and becoming the true expeditors of options for the future. However, one thing that has and will always remain an aspect of life for many individuals within the United States is that of a divorce.
When you go through a divorce there are many things that are constantly circling within your mind whether it pertains to what you are doing that very moment, or how is life going to be when the final paper is signed. Either way divorce impacts an individual’s life now and later. They are transforming from the life they are currently use to that of living with another significant individual to that of now either moving in with a friend or relative, or simply living alone. Divorce is a time in one’s life that change can truly be seen.
During a divorce, many papers are signed that deal with multiple aspects of the relationship. Some papers could deal with how financial assets are being split, or what property is being or awarded to whom, or even more importantly that which pertains to child custody. Ultimately, every piece of paper that is involved within a divorce is utterly important.
However, one piece of paper is a little more important than others, which is known as the decree of divorce. This document is usually pretty long and ultimately finalizes publically and legally the separation of the couple, which also outlines all the agreements that have been made during the divorce. Therefore, when a decree is constructed, both parties must look over this carefully to make sure that all information that is entered is properly done so in order to make sure that everything in the end is smooth sailing.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
As we have all come to be aware with change is certainly inevitable. From trends, technology, to even what we eat everything around us can usually be seen changing fast or slow. Usually, one expects change to be simply good or bad. In so many instances we have seen things go from one to the other or back in a matter of days, and even moments. However, change is inevitable especially as we begin to look at a new day, a new month, and a new year.
With it being the beginning of 2012 many people have this year in mind with New Year’s resolutions, goals, and even making plans for future events. One last look at the year of 2011 shows us that we certainly have a positive precedent set towards that of crime. Studies before the end of the year showed us that crime in Texas not only decreased significantly, but also that of the crime nationwide.
Violent crimes were lowered greatly in the past year, which include but are not limited to that of robbery, murder, and even rape. In Texas these crimes went down significantly 22 percent of that of the year previous to it. Rape overall was lowered by 6.5 percent, which contributed to the national rate dropping to 5.1 percent.
Many studies have factored in many different variables in order to try to understand why the number has decreased in such a positive manner. Reports state that due to increased security and police efforts many cities cross the country is becoming safer and safer as each day passes. Due to technology today many law enforcement entities are able to easily not only track, but also map down crime in order to help aide future efforts that may occur to crack down on a specific crime.
Overall, we can see that 2011 certainly did leave us in a new year with a new mind set on crime. With crime becoming lower and lower over time one can only assume that the number will become lessened within the future.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
As we have all come to be aware with change is certainly inevitable. From trends, technology, to even what we eat everything around us can usually be seen changing fast or slow. Usually, one expects change to be simply good or bad. In so many instances we have seen things go from one to the other or back in a matter of days, and even moments. However, change is inevitable especially as we begin to look at a new day, a new month, and a new year.
With it being the beginning of 2012 many people have this year in mind with New Year’s resolutions, goals, and even making plans for future events. One last look at the year of 2011 shows us that we certainly have a positive precedent set towards that of crime. Studies before the end of the year showed us that crime in Texas not only decreased significantly, but also that of the crime nationwide.
Violent crimes were lowered greatly in the past year, which include but are not limited to that of robbery, murder, and even rape. In Texas these crimes went down significantly 22 percent of that of the year previous to it. Rape overall was lowered by 6.5 percent, which contributed to the national rate dropping to 5.1 percent.
Many studies have factored in many different variables in order to try to understand why the number has decreased in such a positive manner. Reports state that due to increased security and police efforts many cities cross the country is becoming safer and safer as each day passes. Due to technology today many law enforcement entities are able to easily not only track, but also map down crime in order to help aide future efforts that may occur to crack down on a specific crime.
Overall, we can see that 2011 certainly did leave us in a new year with a new mind set on crime. With crime becoming lower and lower over time one can only assume that the number will become lessened within the future.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Today, the world we live within is full of changes and possibilities. In the past many people were not given equal opportunities or rights, but today has certainly set the standard for many individuals to have possibilities of success and greatness that is not judged by gender, race, or even social class. However, there are also those individuals out there who have plenty of opportunities to be productive and do the right thing, but simply chose not to. One thing that an individual should not chose, but have to do is treat a child properly and safely.
Recently, many cases in Texas have begun to surface of that of child abuse. Of course everyone has heard stories or tells of the infamous “shaking baby syndrome” or children maybe having bruising in places that they did not have the day before. More and more children today are going to the hospital with fractured ribs, and other bones that can easily be the product of child abuse. However, one has to question the actual bone density of a child and that accidents can occur. Yet, accidents do not happen continuously with the same sort of instance occurring with the same individual, a child.
An article was written urging that children should have their bone density tested when a bone is fractured. Many would assume that a child would show signs of child abuse having occurred, but many true cases that deal with child abuse do not. Also, children and infants do not have a voice and cannot be heard. It is important to take all factors to mind when considering a child abuse case.
When an individual commits such a crude act such as child abuse they can easily face jail time, as well as the fact that they can instantly lose custody and guardianship of their child. Child abuse unfortunately is a very real aspect of our world today, and one can only hope that it will soon diminish.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Divorces can be sticky situations, and they can bring along numerous complications. Many are painful, and they have the potential take up a lot of time due to custody issues or disagreements due to the division of assets. To make the divorce case easier, not all of them go to court for a trial. Some are settled before it makes it that far. All divorce proceedings must go to a pretrial discovery, but after that is done, the people involved are usually advised to go to mediation. This is where the two spouses and their lawyers meet with a mediator, a hired third-party that is neutral and unbiased.
The mediator is used to help negotiate a settlement before the case is taken to court. This is a beneficial option to everyone involved, because it is cheaper and less stressful than court. If a settlement cannot be reached, the case then goes to court, but many cases can be solved in a mediation meeting. In court, a judge or jury determines the settlement. Though mediations can be helpful and can solve many cases, either spouse has the option to request that the case go on to trial. This is determined by the Texas Family Code that designates that certain issues may go on to be settled in a court of law.
In the United States, Texas is the only state that permits a jury to decide the outcome of child custody cases. Juries can also decide other subjects like marital property. A judge is required to decide on certain issues. One of which is the division of community estate. Another issue a judge decides is child support. If the parties do not request a jury, a judge decides all issues. A lawyer would be a great source of counsel to determine which path to take. Your lawyer has the experience and knowledge of the law to ensure that you make the right decisions in your divorce proceedings whether it is to go to trial or to have your case settled through mediation.
Divorces can be incredibly difficult to go through and to have a lawyer with your best interest in heart is an incredible asset to have as you go throughout your journey.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sexual assault is a general term that includes rape, unsolicited sexual contact, harassment, sexual advances toward a child, exploitation by a person of authority, or molestation. There are many different things that are involved in sexual abuse cases and each is serious. It affects both the victim and the person accused. The number of reported sexual assault claims across the country is growing over the years. These claims range from sexual abuse against children to men attacking women by both strangers and acquaintances.
Sexual abuse towards children are usually brought to light years after the abuse has taken place, which can make the case harder to pursue. Every sexual abuse claim is a very serious thing, but as the cases unravel, testimonies can raise doubts about the legitimacy of the claims in question. Unfortunately, witnesses can have gaps in their testimonies or evidence can fade over time.
In one instance where a witness had a shaky testimony, the witness said that years back down the road, he saw a child being sexualIt is alarming that the person was aware of the attack yet did not do anything to stop, and then reported it years later. The witness then went back and said he heard what he thought was a sexual assault. There is a huge difference between actually seeing a sexual assault take place and simply hearing what sounded like a sexual assault. That is why it is so important to question the validity of a witness. Also, there have also been cases where people who are related to the alleged victims say that the person who made the claim is making false accusations to get money.
Honestly, there are more charges that stir things up and cause anger than claims that are strictly sexually abuse based. Despite how the case turns out, those who are accused of a sexually based crime are permanently branded with those charges. That is why it is so important to make sure of the facts before claiming someone is involved in a sexual assault. They are serious charges, and they are not meant to be taken lightly.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In the United States we live in a culture where we know right from wrong. The idea of good vs. evil has been imprinted in minds of those within the United States over the years from cartoons on Saturday mornings, to reading bedtime stories. Throughout our culture we can see what is socially acceptable, and what is not. However, some people make mistakes, and some are simply just bad. When people make negative decisions that impact others in a wrongful way we refer to that as a crime.
Crime is seen on different levels throughout the law stature as small infractions to very large ones. Today, we are speaking on behalf of the death penalty and what it truly entails. Many Americans are against the death penalty in the hope that people truly have the ability to change. Of course change can occur it takes a matter of time, and in their case time in jail. However, the cost of maintaining an individual’s potential life sentencing in jail costs thousands and thousands of taxpayer dollars. Of course, lethal injection or in some cases the electric chair consequence, which the death penalty holds, is costly, but not at the same level to keep an individual alive.
Although no one truly deserves to die would being in prison for the remainder of his or her life not be similar to that of being dead? Judges have even begun to take their moralistic beliefs in cases when determining whether a person deserves the death penalty. Judges in the past have seen clear evidence that could easily land a person the death penalty, but have simply turned their heads to a stay in prison for a length of time without parole. Although they are saving a life, are they saving another? Taxes that are used to keep those in jail could easily be used to help feed the homeless who have not committed a crime, or help build up public works.
Overall, the death penalty is not a law decision, but one way or another comes down to the moral beliefs of a person. Who knows what the future truly holds for the death penalty, but hopefully justice will be served properly either way.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.