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In our lives we are faced with decisions each day that ultimately impacts our present, and our future. Whether we are deciding upon what we would like to eat today, whether or not we should have a night on the town, or simply if we should by the sweater or not; we are constantly faced with options that both can result in very different consequences. However, one decision that many individuals are making today is that of driving while intoxicated. When an individual gets behind the wheel of a motor vehicle under the influence they are not only recklessly putting themselves at risk of being involved in an automobile accident, but anyone and anything else that enters their path.
The Facts of DWIs
Driving while intoxicated is one crime that varies very situational depending on many factors such as what substance you are operating your motor vehicle under, the amount of the substance you are under the influence of, the damage that erupted from the crime, as well as if you had any past DWI discrepancies. When you are charged, and later convicted of a DWI crime the consequences that are associated with the crime impact your life from here on out, which can cause you many issues within your personal, and professional life.
What You Can Expect
Recently, a woman was operating her vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, and had children present in the vehicle. In Texas, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content over that of 0.08. Consequences associated with the crime also become harsher with a child under the age of 18 present within the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle proceeded to go through a traffic light after it turned red and was struck by oncoming traffic. As a result, the four children present in the vehicle were rushed to a hospital with serious injuries that were in relation to the crash.
Today, the woman is now being seen as intoxicated while behind the wheel and her case will soon be taken to court. However, if you are suspected of driving while intoxicated, or are falsely accused, you need an experienced, criminal defense attorney to fight for your rights, your case, and your life.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Within our lives it can certainly be said and seen that we will experience different things that vary each and every day. Ultimately, we take away many things from these experiences whether it is insight with future situations, an award, a lesson learned, or even that of consequences that impact our future opportunities and decisions. Today, when you commit a criminal crime you are experiencing an aspect of life that directly impacts you now, and later down the road. Yet, when you are dealing with criminal charges should you consider seeking out an attorney?
Criminal charges, and cases themselves vary on a very situational and case-by-case basis for a multitude of reasons. When an individual is charged with a crime they not only currently face consequences that impact their lives, but also that of consequences that can alter their lives for years to come. However, when it comes down to whether or not you should seek legal assistance, and representation in the court of law it is very important to way your options and what results could easily be associated with both.
Consider The Facts
Today, many individuals are under the impression that they can solely represent themselves adequately in their preliminary hearing, as well as in any further court proceeding pertaining to their case. Yet, in the majority of instances we see individuals basically “crash, and burn” and are left with serious legal penalties and consequences they now must face. However, when you seek out an experienced, criminal attorney you can expect that your case will handle with extreme care, and dedication. Your attorney will look at all aspects of your case in order to help provide some possible evidence, facts, and expert witness accounts that helps better solidify your defense, and ultimately, your case.
Remember, it is extremely important regardless of the crime you are suspected, or falsely accused of committing that you seek out an experienced, criminal law attorney to fight for your case accordingly. Without one, one can also assume that you’re playing baseball without a bat in hand.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Driving is one aspect of our lives that we ultimately practice almost every day. Whether we are behind the wheel, and on the road commuting to and form work, running one of our never ending errands, or dropping off the kids at soccer practice it feels like the majority of our lives are spent on the road. While we would like to believe that we are safe every time we are “out and about” that is simply just not the case at all. Today, many drivers are not only driving recklessly, but also driving while intoxicated.
The Facts of The Matter
Halloween is one holiday this month that will mean many people will be out on the road from now up until the actual holiday running around town trying to find the perfect costume, decorations, and picking up candy for the infamous little trick-or-treaters. However, another aspect of life that will be on the road this holiday season is that of alcohol. While Halloween is one holiday that many children partake in and enjoy, and adults do as well, which gives them the opportunity to blow of steam, dress up, and have a little fun. Usually, adults observing the holiday will either go to either a function, or a party, which usually means alcohol will be a guest as well.
However, Halloween is one holiday that drivers, and parents alike need to make sure alcohol and DWIs are far away from any road. Halloween produces many pedestrians out on sidewalks, and roads trick-or-treating, or visiting with friends and neighbors while enjoying the cool, Fall weather now upon us. In the past, we can see many cases in which adults have participated in Halloween functions, became intoxicated, and got behind the wheel of a vehicle thinking they were sober enough to operate their vehicle. Unfortunately, the consequence of these drivers getting behind the wheel while intoxicated, especially during this holiday season not only result in serious injuries, both from motor vehicle operators and pedestrians alike, but also death.
This Halloween make sure that the holiday is not a trick, and a treat for all motor vehicle operators, pedestrians, and trick-or-treaters by following the rules of the road properly, and keeping alcohol off the road.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In our lives we depend on many different people whether we believe it or not. Today, we live to believe that we are individuals, and can depend on ourselves for the majority of our wants and needs. However, that is not generally the case at all. When you look at everything at a grand scale of things we rely on individuals of all walks of life in order to help us, or our family in one way, shape, or form. One of these individuals that we heavily rely on today, and always have has been that of a teacher.
Teachers or Predators?
The majority of our teachers today within the United States are employed by our hard earned tax dollars, but can also be in private school, and higher education settings. However, the majority of our teachers can be seen in public school settings. The purpose that teachers, and educators serve is one of extreme importance, which must be achieved, and met with extreme sensitivity, determination, and nurturing in order to make sure our students, and children not only learn, but achieve. Unfortunately, students are learning much more than they, and their parents, bargained for, especially in this day and age.
The Facts of Sexual Harassment Today Within The Classroom
Sexual harassment is one aspect that is very prevalent in many schools all throughout the country today. When it actually comes down to sexual harassment many different forms can easily occur, which range from teacher’s comments towards students to actually taking it too far past social and physical limits. Besides the fact that your children, and students could be sexually harassed by their educators they can also have relationships with teachers as well. As we’ve seen in the past through national news some teachers are not only having inappropriate sexual relationships with their students, but end up dating them, and eventually could get married, or have children. Texting, and social media has also been an aid to teachers, and other sexual predators within schools, which allow them to connect to a student privately, and have their own private, social relationship with these students.
Make sure you discuss sexual harassment to your children, or young ones and make sure that not only understand it, but also how it can easily have its place within classrooms today, and what to do when they are faced with the issue.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In our lives we face many different aspects of life that vary with each day that we encounter. While some days can be exciting, and harmonious for us other days can hold stress, and strife. However, in our lives we simply just do not have the time to evaluate all of these emotions and take care of them and ultimately have to keep pushing with the busy schedules that we have. However, today, depression is an aspect of life, and our emotions that is very present in the United States that affects thousands of individuals on many different levels.
The Facts of Depression
The majority of the time individuals, who are feeling “under the weather”, or sad, simply take a day or so to pull them out of the gloom. However, depression is a mental disease that can cause serious psychological and emotional issues now, and later down the road. Most of the time, individuals will seek out a therapist, or licensed psychologist to help identify, and discuss their depression. Yet, depression also has to deal with your body as well and prescription medication is also prescribed to many in order to fight back the negative, sad feelings chemically.
Alternative Therapy Means Criminal Charges
Yet, today, there are many individuals in America that do not seek treatment for their depression and ultimately make poor decisions as a result of it. One aspect of depression that is affecting one group of individuals today is that of shoplifting. Middle-aged women are the group with depression that is most likely to shoplift, especially if they do not have any past legal discrepancies. Unfortunately, however, shoplifting is a crime in all 50 states that individuals can not only be charged with, but also ultimately convicted. When an individual shoplifts they have serious consequences that include fines, jail time, probation, and the fact that it will permanently be on your record.
However, accidents and mistakes are a common aspect of our lives whether it is spilling milk, or running out of gas. Shoplifting is an unfortunate mistake that some people make everyday, which is evidently more likely to occur with those with depression. However, if you have made the mistake of shoplifting you need an experienced criminal attorney on your side from start to finish with your case. By doing so, your attorney can factor in many aspects of your correlation to the shoplifting incident taking place, including that of depression.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Today, we live in a world that is centered on that of technology. If you were to look around where you are either sitting, or standing you would see a multitude of various technology devices that perform a variety of different functions. Cellphones are one particular device that we rely heavily on in this day and age. Cellphones help us to communicate with our friends and family, keep us in sync with our professional schedule, and also gives us the opportunity to connect to people all over the world. However, are cellphones being used negatively and putting our children at risk of sexual abuse?
The Power of Technology
Teenagers today are those individuals who not only completely understand how to use technology to the fullest, but also are the ones who are providing ideas about future forms of technology. Yet, one aspect of being a teenager is that of their social life, and being able to communicate with their friends at all hours of the day, which now can be done thanks to the cellphone. While the cellphone does provide many functions that help us it also provides the potential for sexual abuse.
A Negative Light Shining Brightly, and Illegally
Although we rely heavily on our schools, and school districts to help teach, and somewhat rear our children there are also potential issues within schools that could negatively affect our children now, and later. One of these is that of sexting. What is sexting you might ask? Sexting is the act of sending a text message that is explicit with sexual context, or adult pictures depicting one individual, or another in a sexual act, or their body. Unfortunately today sexting is not only used between one teenager and another, but also between some school officials and your children. We have seen over the years relationships existing between teachers and students whether on the news, or within our state. Yet, we never really consider that our child will be the victim of sexual assault by a faculty member at their school.
However, if a teacher, school official, or anyone for that matter over the age of 18 is sexting your child you have the right to file criminal charges against that individual. In Texas, it is illegal for anything to be sent to a minor under the age of 18 that pertains to any sexual premises, which can be punished in multiple aspects such as jail time, probation, being added to the sex offender list as a pedophile, legal fines, and employment termination.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Today, we live in a world that is centered on that of technology. If you were to look around where you are either sitting, or standing you would see a multitude of various technology devices that perform a variety of different functions. Cellphones are one particular device that we rely heavily on in this day and age. Cellphones help us to communicate with our friends and family, keep us in sync with our professional schedule, and also gives us the opportunity to connect to people all over the world. However, are cellphones being used negatively and putting our children at risk of sexual abuse?
The Power of Technology
Teenagers today are those individuals who not only completely understand how to use technology to the fullest, but also are the ones who are providing ideas about future forms of technology. Yet, one aspect of being a teenager is that of their social life, and being able to communicate with their friends at all hours of the day, which now can be done thanks to the cellphone. While the cellphone does provide many functions that help us it also provides the potential for sexual abuse.
A Negative Light Shining Brightly, and Illegally
Although we rely heavily on our schools, and school districts to help teach, and somewhat rear our children there are also potential issues within schools that could negatively affect our children now, and later. One of these is that of sexting. What is sexting you might ask? Sexting is the act of sending a text message that is explicit with sexual context, or adult pictures depicting one individual, or another in a sexual act, or their body. Unfortunately today sexting is not only used between one teenager and another, but also between some school officials and your children. We have seen over the years relationships existing between teachers and students whether on the news, or within our state. Yet, we never really consider that our child will be the victim of sexual assault by a faculty member at their school.
However, if a teacher, school official, or anyone for that matter over the age of 18 is sexting your child you have the right to file criminal charges against that individual. In Texas, it is illegal for anything to be sent to a minor under the age of 18 that pertains to any sexual premises, which can be punished in multiple aspects such as jail time, probation, being added to the sex offender list as a pedophile, legal fines, and employment termination.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.