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Have you ever thought about just how complicated personal finances can be? Since personal finances can be complicated, it makes sense that when two people marry, their financial picture becomes even more complex. Each spouse still has his or her personal finances and personal financial history, and then there are the couple’s joint or household finances. When one or both spouses own businesses and other diverse types of assets, either together separately, there is a chance that the couple’s financial situation is highly complex.
When a couple has a complicated financial situation, both spouses stand to benefit from bringing a financial planner and an accountant into the mix of people that they consult with during their divorce case. In the past, few couples used the services of financial professionals during their divorce cases because many of their financial situations involved relatively simple questions of how to divide income, debts, and tangible assets like the family home and the spouses’ cars. In today’s society, things are more complicated. More families have two working spouses, and many more people own businesses. The rising cost of college has made college savings plans a popular class of assets, and there are more ways for people to invest money than ever before. These are just some of the reasons why more and more couples are consulting with financial professionals in addition to consulting with attorneys during their Texas divorce cases.
Since financial professionals understand how the various assets that a couple has work, they can help the spouses come up with ideas about how they could divide them equitably. They also know how to accurately assess the values of various types of assets, which is essential to being able to distribute them equitably. Sometimes it makes sense to split an asset in two. At other times, it is best for one spouse to take an asset and the other to take another asset of comparable value. Some assets require specific procedures to be followed to successfully split or transfer them. Financial professionals know all of the ins and outs of transferring, splitting, and otherwise dealing with financial assets, and they can advise spouses on what their bigger financial picture would look like, such as tax consequences, if they divide their assets in certain ways. All of this information can help spouses work through the question of how to divide their assets equitably.
Financial professionals can also help divorcing spouses make the transition from their joint financial lives to their single financial lives. They do this by helping them develop budgets to address their current day to day financial needs and financial plans that meet their future financial needs.
In some cases, financial experts may be able to offer valuable assistance if it appears as though one spouse has been hiding money. They can often review personal and business books and records and find out where the money is.
Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra – A Strong Advocate in Your Texas Divorce
If you are divorcing in Texas, you could benefit from the assistance of an experienced family law attorney. You may even benefit from enlisting the aid of one or more financial professionals. To learn more about your Texas divorce, call Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499.
The range of conduct that can result in Texas misdemeanor charges is extensive. For example, public officials who fail to disclose their business interests could face misdemeanor charges, as could fishing in the Donna Reservoir. Many people are probably unaware that they could be charged with misdemeanors for the things that they are doing, and even if they are aware that their conduct could result in charges, they may feel as though the most it could amount to is a slap on the wrist.
Unfortunately, as many misdemeanor defendants later learn, misdemeanor charges can carry consequences that are much more severe than they realized. For example, Class A and Class B misdemeanor convictions can lead to limitations on your future employment, housing options, and even your immigration status. A misdemeanor conviction could even interfere with your ability to have custody of your children.
Fortunately, if the police charge you with a misdemeanor, you do not have to face those charges on your own. An experienced Texas Criminal Defense Attorney can help you understand the charges and the potential consequences, and they can present a solid defense on your behalf while pursuing the least restrictive outcome that is possible in your case. Your attorney can also help explain the pros and cons of any options that you may have for resolving your case, such as probation. If probation is something that you would like to pursue, your attorney can help you to get fair conditions that you are likely to be able to comply with successfully.
A criminal defense attorney can also help you avoid conviction altogether. If your attorney can show the court that there is not enough evidence to convict you, the charges could be dropped. Likewise, if law enforcement or anyone else involved in prosecuting the case has failed to follow the rules that govern their work, they may have violated your rights. If any one of your rights, such as your right to remain silent, was violated, the charges against you may be reduced or even dropped altogether.
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra – Protecting the Rights of all Texans
If you are facing misdemeanor charges, it is likely that you are aware of the impact that a conviction could have on your life. A seasoned Texas criminal defense attorney can explain the charges that you are now facing, as well as their possible consequences. Your attorney can use the unique facts of your situation to make a solid plan for your defense and explain all of the various solutions that may be available to you for resolving your criminal matter. It is important that defendants have access to this guidance because each possible option for resolving a case will have a different impact on everything in your life, including those things in your life that matter most to you. If you would like to learn more about how we could help you with your Texas criminal case, call Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499.
DWI checkpoints often result in both DWI arrests and arrests for driving with a suspended license. Often, drivers who are driving with suspended licenses may escape detection by traveling in vehicles that are not their own and by refraining from attracting the attention of law enforcement officers. When there is a DWI checkpoint, all drivers must interact with law enforcement officers as they pass through the checkpoint, and this is why so many drivers with suspended licenses get apprehended.
If you get arrested for DWI, license suspension is a real possibility. If you are like many Texans, your ability to drive touches on many areas of your everyday life, from getting to and from work to bringing your kids to and from after-school activities. A license suspension could be quite costly, regarding both financial penalties and personal freedom.
Since license suspension has the potential to have a significant impact on your life, it is essential that you understand that you have just fifteen days from the date of your DWI arrest to preserve your chance at retaining your driving privileges. The process by which a driver can try to keep their driving privileges begins with a request for an ALR hearing. As I mentioned before, this hearing must be requested within fifteen days of your DWI arrest or your license will automatically be suspended. Instructions for requesting an ALR hearing are at the bottom of your Notice of Suspension.
Now that you know that you must ask for an ALR hearing if you wish to try to avoid license suspension, it is important that you learn a little bit more about what an ALR hearing is. An Administrative Law Review hearing, or ALR hearing, is a civil proceeding which the Department of Public Safety brings against a driver who refuses a blood or breath test after a DWI arrest, or who took a blood or breath test and failed it.
At an ALR hearing, the issue for discussion is the fate of your driving privileges. Requesting a hearing gives you a chance to contest the proposed suspension of your driver’s license. It also delays the imposition of any ALR sanctions until your hearing takes place. At your ALR hearing, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) will try to prove that your license should be suspended because you either took a breath or blood test which resulted in a reading of .08 or greater, or because you refused to take a blood or breath test. It is harder for the DPS to suspend your license after you refused to submit to testing because that type of suspension requires proof of four different elements. These elements are reasonable suspicion for the vehicle stop, probable cause that the driver was in control of a vehicle in a public place while intoxicated, an opportunity for the driver to voluntarily participate in testing along with both oral and written notice of the consequences of refusal, and an actual refusal. If the DPS fails to prove their case, your license must be returned to you.
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Alex Tyra – Protecting the Rights of Texas DWI Defendants
Texas DWI defendants have a lot at stake, and experienced Texas DWI Defense Attorney Alex Tyra may be able to help you resolve your DWI case. To learn more, call (903) 753-7499.
It is common for people who are considering filing for divorce to think about handling their divorce themselves. It is true that some people do file their divorces pro se, or without an attorney, but it is not advisable. Unfortunately, individuals who choose to represent themselves in their divorce proceedings do not always get the results that they wanted.
In contrast, people who are represented by attorneys in their divorce cases are often satisfied with the outcomes. Retaining an attorney to represent you in your Texas divorce case does not guarantee that you will get the exact result that you want in your divorce, but it does give you the best possible chance at achieving something very close to your desired outcome. There are three ways in which the knowledge and experience of your divorce attorney will help you to achieve a satisfactory result in your Texas divorce case.
One way that your attorney will help you achieve a positive outcome in your Texas divorce case is by completing and filing all of your divorce case forms correctly, and in compliance with all of the applicable deadlines. Divorce cases involve multiple forms, some of which require a lot of information, and there are various filing deadlines throughout the divorce process. Your attorney will ensure that all of your divorce paperwork gets to where it needs to go on time so that your case can proceed smoothly.
Another advantage to working with an attorney on your divorce is that having an attorney represent you instead of representing yourself increases your chances of settling your divorce instead of going to trial. The reason for this is that when you retain an attorney, the attorney takes on the task of communicating with your soon to be former spouse or his or her attorney if he or she has one. Once attorneys or even one attorney and one unrepresented spouse are communicating, the level of conflict often decreases. This decrease in conflict makes it more likely that there will be productive discussions about how the divorce could be resolved through settlement, and proposals and counter-proposals can begin to be exchanged and discussed in a reasonable manner.
A third reason why it is essential to hire an attorney for your divorce is that your attorney can help you to come out of your divorce in the strongest possible financial position by helping you to assess the advisability of accepting proposed settlement agreements. It may be difficult to believe that paying someone to represent you could ultimately cost you less than representing yourself, but it makes sense once you understand why this is the case. Some pro se litigants accept property settlements or agree to tax consequences or other provisions in a divorce which put them in a worse financial position than they could have achieved if they had been represented by counsel. Your attorney can help you to assess proposed settlement terms in light of your personal and financial goals so that you can make informed decisions about which, if any, proposed agreements to accept.
Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra – A Strong Advocate in Your Texas Divorce
If you are considering filing for divorce in Texas, it is important to select an experienced attorney to work with you during this important and life-changing experience. To learn more, call Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499.
A breath test is standard procedure in a DWI investigation in Texas, as it is elsewhere. For a long time, the standard equipment that has been used all over Texas to administer breath tests has been the Intoxilyzer 5000. Law enforcement officials have become very familiar with using the breath testing devices over the time that they have been using them. DWI defense attorneys have also become familiar with the Intoxilyzer 5000, and they have become adept at exposing its weaknesses and understanding how its use or misuse can affect their clients’ cases.
As all of us know, older models of electronic devices get replaced by newer models from time to time. It seems as though the time for replacing the Intoxilyzer 5000 machines that are currently in use across the state of Texas is coming soon. The newer breath testing machine is called the Intoxilyzer 9000, and it is supposed to be easier for law enforcement officers to use than the older machines are. The technology that the machine uses for detecting alcohol in breath samples is the same as in the older machines, although it is wrapped in a nicer, newer looking package.
The Intoxilyzer 9000 features an automated voice that tells the person taking the test when they are to exhale into the machine. It also enables officers to scan drivers’ license information instead of having to type it all in. The new machines are able to transmit test results to DPS headquarters, in addition to displaying them on a screen.
Since the Intoxilyzer 9000 is a newer instrument than the Intoxilyzer 5000, one might surmise that it provides more accurate results. While that is possible, it is not necessarily true. Unfortunately, attorneys are not being allowed to inspect the Intoxilyzer 9000, and outside toxicology experts are not being permitted to take classes where they could learn about the machine and its proper operation. While these things, on their own, do not render the machine inaccurate, it is troubling that the machine and its operation are not open to investigation by people who have an interest in knowing how the technology works and how it should be used.
Bexar County already has several of the new machines in use, with others scheduled to be implemented soon. Other counties are likely to begin bringing the new machines into use throughout the year, and phasing out the older devices.
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Alex Tyra – Strong Advocacy for Texas DWI Defendants
Texas DWI defendants have a lot at stake, and experienced DWI defense attorneys know how to protect it. Whatever the most important things in your life are, a skillful Texas DWI Defense Attorney can help you seek a resolution of your DWI case that is in line with your priorities. Texas DWI Defense Attorney Alex Tyra may be able to help you resolve your DWI case. To find out more, call us today, at (903) 753-7499.
While many Texas divorce cases settle out of court, there are many others that involve one or more court dates. If you are like many Texans, you have never seen the inside of a courtroom, and you may not know what to expect if your attorney informs you that you have a court date. Fortunately, divorcing Texans who work with Texas family law attorneys do not go into the courtroom alone or unprepared. If you are working with an attorney, your attorney will help you prepare yourself for your court date and represent you during the proceedings.
Each client’s divorce case is unique, and, depending upon what has been happening in your case, you may be going to court for any one of a number of reasons. Work closely with your attorney so that you are absolutely clear on what your upcoming court appearance is about. As your attorney prepares for your court date, they may need various types of information from you. Provide any requested information to your attorney as soon as possible, because prompt delivery of necessary information helps your attorney do his or her best work in preparing for your court date.
Even though you will likely be accompanied by your attorney when you go to court, it is helpful to prepare yourself on your own, in advance of your court date. Each court and, for that matter, each courtroom is slightly different. Your experience in court will go more smoothly if you take time to familiarize yourself with the rules and the layout of the courtroom before your court appearance. When in doubt about what to do, remain calm, ask your attorney, and always be respectful. Of course, this may be easier said than done, because divorce cases do often involve many emotions. Be sure to get the support that you need in working through your emotions throughout the divorce process, whether that means taking time to talk to trusted friends, family members or a therapist, or taking time for yourself to do things that help you relax and feel balanced, like running, hiking, or spending time outdoors. If you take time to clear you head before you go to court, you will be more likely to remain focused on the business at hand and less likely to be sucked into courtroom drama.
In the spirit of keeping your court appearance as simple and as businesslike as possible, be sure to check with your attorney in regards to having other people attend court with you. Friends and family may want to show their support. There is certainly a time and a place for that, but it may not be in the courthouse at the time of you court appearance. Your attorney can answer any questions that you may have in this regard.
Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra – Your Ally in Texas Divorce
Going to court can be an intimidating experience, but it does not have to be that way. When you work with a Texas family law attorney, you will be well prepared and well represented at any court appearances that may occur during the course of your Texas divorce. To learn more, call Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499.
While many Texas divorce cases settle out of court, there are many others that involve one or more court dates. If you are like many Texans, you have never seen the inside of a courtroom, and you may not know what to expect if your attorney informs you that you have a court date. Fortunately, divorcing Texans who work with Texas family law attorneys do not go into the courtroom alone or unprepared. If you are working with an attorney, your attorney will help you prepare yourself for your court date and represent you during the proceedings.
Each client’s divorce case is unique, and, depending upon what has been happening in your case, you may be going to court for any one of a number of reasons. Work closely with your attorney so that you are absolutely clear on what your upcoming court appearance is about. As your attorney prepares for your court date, they may need various types of information from you. Provide any requested information to your attorney as soon as possible, because prompt delivery of necessary information helps your attorney do his or her best work in preparing for your court date.
Even though you will likely be accompanied by your attorney when you go to court, it is helpful to prepare yourself on your own, in advance of your court date. Each court and, for that matter, each courtroom is slightly different. Your experience in court will go more smoothly if you take time to familiarize yourself with the rules and the layout of the courtroom before your court appearance. When in doubt about what to do, remain calm, ask your attorney, and always be respectful. Of course, this may be easier said than done, because divorce cases do often involve many emotions. Be sure to get the support that you need in working through your emotions throughout the divorce process, whether that means taking time to talk to trusted friends, family members or a therapist, or taking time for yourself to do things that help you relax and feel balanced, like running, hiking, or spending time outdoors. If you take time to clear you head before you go to court, you will be more likely to remain focused on the business at hand and less likely to be sucked into courtroom drama.
In the spirit of keeping your court appearance as simple and as businesslike as possible, be sure to check with your attorney in regards to having other people attend court with you. Friends and family may want to show their support. There is certainly a time and a place for that, but it may not be in the courthouse at the time of you court appearance. Your attorney can answer any questions that you may have in this regard.
Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra – Your Ally in Texas Divorce
Going to court can be an intimidating experience, but it does not have to be that way. When you work with a Texas family law attorney, you will be well prepared and well represented at any court appearances that may occur during the course of your Texas divorce. To learn more, call Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499.