What Can You Expect From A DWI?

Driving under the influence of either alcohol, or drugs is illegal within the United States. Unfortunately, it is still occurring regardless of the legality of the crime. Individuals who get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle under the influence are not only putting themselves at risk of an accident occurring, but also other innocent fellow motor vehicle operators, and pedestrians alike. Serious injuries, and death are unfortunately a common consequence of DWI related accidents, which impact individuals presently, and in the future. Yet, what can you truly expect when dealing with a DWI?

Understanding The Legal Side of A DWI

When it comes down to a DWI whether you are charged, or later convicted you face a variety of charges that range from a legal standpoint to your personal life as well. Legally, when you commit a DWI act you deal with consequences that impact your life now, and later. Some consequences of a DWI crime include, but are not limited to:

  • Expensive legal fines
  • Jail time
  • License Suspension
  • Probation
  • Post-DWI program participation
  • Rehabilitative services
  • Community service
  • Possible installation of an ignition interlock device

A DWI Hitting Closer To Home

Although the legal consequences of a DWI can affect your life now and later the personal consequences of one can affect not only you, but also your family, and loved ones as well. When you commit, or are charged, and later convicted of a DWI crime you impact your present and future greatly. Many employers will terminate employees who have DUI discrepancies on their records, or simply not hire an applicant as a result of the legal smudge. When you commit a DWI your insurance rates rise greatly, which can greatly flip your financial stance in an instance. When an individual is charged, or convicted of a DWI when they are in the midst of a divorce they can easily lose child custody rights in the blink of an eye.

When you or loved one is either charged, or falsely accused of a DWI crime it is important to contact a dedicated, and ultimately an experienced DWI attorney to help fight for your rights, your case, and your life. Without an experienced attorney at your side you can easily end up dealing with not only one, but also the majority of these consequences if convicted of a DWI crime.

Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499.  All initial consultations are free.  Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Studies Show Field Tests Unreliable

Driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs is a serious crime that can easily affect the lives of individuals in the blink of an eye.  A DUI or DWI can alter the life of an individual in any varying aspects, which can easily impact your life legally, personally, and even professionally. When an individual is charged and convicted of a DUI they can expect to pay many fines and even face the possibility of going to jail for a period of time. However, more and more individuals today are being charged, and unfortunately convicted of a DUI or DWI falsely thanks to faulty equipment and tests.

When an individual is pulled over for allegedly driving under the influence the investigation immediately begins when the police officer sights the vehicle. From there, the individual is asked to participate in something known as a field sobriety test. This test exists in order to check the balance and the reflexes of an individual. However, this test is actually helping falsify individual’s scores everyday. Studies show that most individuals have enough difficulty trying to do the test sober. So, if an individual was truly under the influence an officer could certainly notice.

One thing that is continuously giving more and more individuals a DUI charge, and a later conviction is that of a breathalyzer. Breathalyzers are instruments law enforcement officers use in order to detect an individual’s blood alcohol content, or BAC. While breathalyzers are suppose to specifically pick up the content of alcohol within an individual’s breath it realistically picks up almost everything in an individual’s breath. These instruments can easily produce false results due to smoking, what you have eaten, if you have false teeth, and many other varying reasons due to your body’s pH level.

Both of these “routine tests” not only fail to do their job properly, but also the continued use of them is causing more and more innocent individuals to be charged with a false DUI or DWI. Make sure if you have been charged with a DUI or DWI falsely to contact an experienced attorney immediately in order to get your innocence back today.

Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499.  All initial consultations are free.  Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Understanding “Minor In Possession” Charges

Today, driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs continues to keep rearing its ugly face in the lives of many each and every day. When an individual drinks and drives they put not only themselves at risk of being hurt or killed, but also all others that are around them and their vehicle. Drinking and driving can easily land an individual in a serious situation that can easily end up with them paying numerous legal fees, or even some jail time. Yet, one thing that easily contributes to drunken driving each year is that of under age drinking.

When an individual receives a ticket for either a MIP, or MIC, what is it and what happens as a result from it? Minor in possession (MIP), or minor in consumption (MIC), deals directly with that of underage drinking. An MIP is when an individual under the age of 21 is simply holding alcohol, or they have it within their immediate setting, whereas an MIC is given when an individual under the age of 21 is caught drinking alcohol. Today, teenagers keep drinking and know what these tickets are. However, do they understand what consequences come with either of these?

Under normal circumstances, those individuals who get either one of these tickets and do not have further issues with the similar situation in the future will have the charge expunged after they turn 21. However, if another ticket is given as a result of underage drinking both charges will not be expunged and will result in being seen on your record. These can impact many things in student’s lives such as employment now and later, and even their enrollment status at their secondary education institution.

Remember at the end of the day if you are under the age of 21 drinking is illegal throughout the whole United States. Whether you believe it or not you can easily be charged with a crime as well when you buy alcohol for those under the age of 21. Make sure that the alcohol is kept at the store, or at least until the children are old enough to buy it themselves.

Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499.  All initial consultations are free.  Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Severity of Texas DUI Laws

Many Americans travel each and every year all over the country to survey and get a feel for the country that they truly live in. From state to state, people view all over the natural wonders of each state, eat the cultural cuisine of each location, and sight see known, or popular locations. However, many people do not always have on their mind the law. Laws change from state to state depending upon the issue. Many people make this mistake and do not truly take into account laws from other states, whether or not it is a person’s home or not.

As the saying goes “Don’t Mess With Texas” can truly be said when dealing with Texas and its DUI/DWI laws for public and commercial motorists alike. Texas is said to be one state that an individual would surly not drink and drive within to due the severity of the already present law within the state, which increases as everyday passes.

Usually, Texas law enforcement entities perform the routine examinations that any officer of the law would do. A field sobriety test is performed, a breathalyzer is blown in, and a possible blood or urine sample is taken to determine the blood alcohol content (BAC) levels of a person. From they’re, depending on whether or not a person has been drinking and driving laws come to play.

No matter the age in Texas you can always count on the law to be carried out to its full extent. It is said that the crime committed in Texas will be fitted with the proper punishment, which is followed to the “t”. One example can be seen when a driver who was under the influence killed a Texas police officer. The officer was in his car and hit completely by chance. The driver, at the time, was 19 years old. The accident occurred in 2003, yet the driver of the motor vehicle is still facing financial penalties, as well as requirements by the law everyday.

Overall, one thing that does not mix well with alcohol is driving anything at all. When faced with the option, an individual should always consider relying on a sober individual to do the driving so safety is insured to all on roadways.

Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499.  All initial consultations are free.  Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.