Your Final Step In A Divorce
The lives that we are living today are completely different than that of our grandparents, parents, and even some of our siblings. Although we face similar situations and challenges we now have new variables that set the stage with new possibilities and outcomes occurring. We are now having to deal with not only the predicted…
Decrease In National Crime
As we have all come to be aware with change is certainly inevitable. From trends, technology, to even what we eat everything around us can usually be seen changing fast or slow. Usually, one expects change to be simply good or bad. In so many instances we have seen things go from one to the…
Child Abuse Record High In Texas
Today, the world we live within is full of changes and possibilities. In the past many people were not given equal opportunities or rights, but today has certainly set the standard for many individuals to have possibilities of success and greatness that is not judged by gender, race, or even social class. However, there are…
Mediation or Court Settlement
Divorces can be sticky situations, and they can bring along numerous complications. Many are painful, and they have the potential take up a lot of time due to custody issues or disagreements due to the division of assets. To make the divorce case easier, not all of them go to court for a trial. Some…
Sexual Abuse: Now, AND Then
Sexual assault is a general term that includes rape, unsolicited sexual contact, harassment, sexual advances toward a child, exploitation by a person of authority, or molestation. There are many different things that are involved in sexual abuse cases and each is serious. It affects both the victim and the person accused. The number of reported…
Death Penalty Cases, Where to Stand?
In the United States we live in a culture where we know right from wrong. The idea of good vs. evil has been imprinted in minds of those within the United States over the years from cartoons on Saturday mornings, to reading bedtime stories. Throughout our culture we can see what is socially acceptable, and…
Deadly Weapon or Dumpster?
In the past not only the citizens of Texas, but also within the courtroom setting, have easily recognized a deadly weapon. Law enforcement agencies everywhere over the years have expanded the list of deadly weapons to basically anything that is used for purposeful harm to an individual. These weapons play a vital role in court…
Who Gets The Leash In A Divorce, Pet Custody
Life. It is completely unexpected, yet also predictable at many times. Of course, many people attempt to follow the traditional routine of life by participating in standard expectations such as education, employment, and romance. From there, romantic involvements, courtships, and eventual marriage can easily be inferred. Eventually one can even go so far to see…
Options You Can Rely On When A Minor Gains A Possession Ticket
In today’s day and age, the social standards of what a child, or teenager can do in comparison to that of in the 1950s or 1960s is dramatically different. In past years, teenagers might go to a “sock-hop”, and then grab a shake down at the local soda shop with the other person they have…
Severity of Texas DUI Laws
Many Americans travel each and every year all over the country to survey and get a feel for the country that they truly live in. From state to state, people view all over the natural wonders of each state, eat the cultural cuisine of each location, and sight see known, or popular locations. However, many…