Sage Advice Regarding the Drug “Salvia Divinorum”
This past September, Texas added a new name to its list of Class III controlled substances. Salvia Divinorum, commonly known as “Seers Sage, Salvia, or Ska Maria Pastora”, became a Class III controlled substance upon the passage of House Bill 124. The bill made its third and final appearance before the Texas Legislature this year…
The Game is Not Over Until You are Safe at Home
Although you might think that the concept of “making it home safe” applies more to baseball than it does to football, recent statistics regarding drunk-driving-related accidents and Texas football games indicate that a refresher course on the topic is in order. Attending football games, tailgating, and getting together with friends to watch football games on…
Why Should I Settle My Texas Divorce Case?
Did you know that most divorce cases, whether they take place in Texas or elsewhere, are resolved through settlement instead of by trial? It is estimated that around ninety five percent of divorce cases settle, with a remaining 5% to be handled in the courtroom. If you are currently convinced that your divorce case will…
Do Field Sobriety Tests Often do More Harm Than Good?
If a police officer has ever asked you to perform a field sobriety test, you probably felt like you had no choice but to get out of the car and do your best to walk in a perfectly straight line, or to point to your nose in just the right way. What many people do…
How to Start Building Your Criminal Defense Case Now
There are many stages that a criminal case passes through before it runs its course. From the arrest and booking to the arraignment, pre-trial hearings, and trial, there are many opportunities for a defendant to put his or her best foot forward and make a case for the reduction or dismissal of his or her…
Property Division in Texas Divorce Cases
If you are thinking about getting a divorce in Texas, or if you are already involved in a Texas divorce case, you may be wondering about how the court will divide your property in the event that you and your soon-to-be-former spouse are unable to reach a property settlement agreement. Texas is a community property…
Sex, Drugs, and the Entrapment Defense in Texas
The defense of entrapment is something that many people have heard about, yet few people fully understand. Typically, people think about entrapment when someone is arrested for committing a drug or sex crime, especially during law enforcement “sting” operations. Some people mistakenly believe that any time a police officer or other government official “sets up”…
What is a No Refusal Weekend in Texas?
If you plan on attending a Halloween party in Texas later this month, there is something that you definitely should know. Holiday weekends, including the weekend of Halloween, are considered to be “No Refusal” weekends in many cities and counties throughout Texas. During a No Refusal weekend, individuals who are suspected of driving under the…
Addressing Your Children’s Needs During Your Texas Divorce
Going through a divorce is difficult for anyone, but for parents with a divorce case underway, it is even tougher. Specifically, parents have to attend to their own feelings about the divorce as well as the feelings of their children. In fact, not only do they have to figure out how they will manage the…
How a Texas DUI Conviction Can Dramatically Affect Your Career
It is certainly no exaggeration when I say that a Texas DWI conviction can impact every aspect of your life. From your family relationships to your friendships, and of course your job, no area of your life is immune to the consequences of a DWI conviction. Of course, the potential impact of a Texas DWI…