Texas Family Law Attorney Talks About Premarital Agreements
Did you know that years ago, couples who planned to marry in Texas could not make premarital agreements? Premarital agreements are becoming more and more commonplace among modern couples, so it can be hard to believe that there was ever a time where couples could not enter into them. The Texas Constitution prohibited all couples,…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Talks About What Defense Attorneys Do
Did you get caught up in a DWI arrest this past weekend in Austin? If so, it’s time for you to learn more about what a Texas DWI Defense Attorney can do for you. The police in the Austin area have expanded their No Refusal DWI initiative, which means that more and more drivers are…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Talks About Human Trafficking
The idea that people are being transported illegally into the United States for financial gain is something that stirs compassion in many people’s hearts. People want to come to America so badly that they endure dangerous traveling arrangements and risk falling prey to false promises of what they will have when they get here. Human…
Texas Family Law Attorney Discusses Reconciliation
Divorce is a process; it’s not just an event. For any divorcing couple, some length of time passes between the filing of divorce papers and the date that the divorce becomes final. The length of time that it will take for a couple to divorce depends upon a few factors, including the laws of the…
Texas Family Law Attorney Shares Three Top Relationship Woes
Divorce begins with marriage, a marriage in which something has gone so wrong that the divorcing spouses believe it to be beyond repair. Divorce attorneys learn a lot about relationships as they help their divorcing clients navigate the legal process that ends their marriages. One of the things that divorce lawyers learn through working with…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Says Recent Prison Closures Reflect Both a Decrease in Criminal Activity and Improved Outcomes for Individuals Who Get Charged With Crimes
Texas will close more prisons in 2017 than it has in any other year in history. The prison closures are possible because of a decrease in crime as well as an increase in options for resolving criminal cases without resorting to incarceration. Four prisons will get closed this year, which brings the total amount of…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Discusses Intoxication Manslaughter Verdict
One potential outcome that can result from driving while intoxicated is getting charged with intoxication manslaughter. No one who drinks and drives expects to get into a wreck while they are driving, and they do not intend to kill anyone. Unfortunately, alcohol use increases accident risk, which not only endangers the safety of the driver…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Reminds Parents to Keep Children Safely Supervised this Summer
The school year is over, and parents will be spending much more time with their kids than they do during the school year. When you are enjoying this summer with your kids, remember two key words – safety and supervision. When parents do not keep their children safe by providing adequate supervision, there is a…
Texas Family Law Attorney Says Parents Are Disappointed at Failure of Equal Custody Bill
During the last legislative session, a bill that would have made 50/50 custody agreements automatic in most divorce cases failed. Disappointed parents rallied to express their disappointment in the failure of a bill that they feel would have protected the health and well-being of the children of divorced and divorcing parents. House Bill 453 was…
Texas Family Law Attorney Talks about the Problem of Child Marriages
Did you know that Texas has the second highest child marriage rate in the country? Between 2000 and 2014, four thousand Texans got married before their eighteenth birthdays. In 2014 in Texas, 6.9 out of every 1000 people who were between the ages of 15 and 17 got married. Presently, approximately two thousand Texas youth…