Texas Family Law Attorney Shares Three Tips for Preserving Your Financial Security During Your Divorce
Divorce can be costly for both spouses. Even couples who were doing relatively well financially can come out on the other side of their divorce bankrupt, or uncomfortably close to it. Fortunately, you can do things during your divorce that can protect your financial security. Hiring a divorce attorney might seem like a counterintuitive move…
Texas Family Law Attorney Shares Three Things You Need to Know About Divorce
Divorce is not a comfortable experience for anyone, but knowing what kinds of things you are likely to experience during your divorce can help you prepare for them and deal with them as they arise. As with anything else in life, a little bit of preparation can go a long way. If you’re considering divorce…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Shares the Unfortunate Truth About Indigent Defense in Texas
The quality of legal defense that a person gets after they get accused of a crime in Texas is not always equal. One unfortunate truth about criminal defense in Texas is that while there many talented criminal defense attorneys who are capable of bringing the best possible defenses for their clients into the courts, not…
Texas Family Law Attorney Talks About Divorce and Your Children’s Education
When a divorcing couple has children, a significant portion of the time and effort that they put into their divorce gets spent discussing and making decisions about the kids. In addition to creating a parenting schedule and determining whether and how much child support will get paid, parents must make decisions about decisions. Raising kids…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Talks About Employment-Related Consequences of Convictions
It should come as no surprise that if you have anything on your criminal record, you will experience some consequences related to those crimes. Unfortunately, what many people do not know until they have one or more convictions on their records is that the effects of criminal convictions can extend far beyond fines and jail…
Texas Family Law Attorney Shares Basic Information About Divorce in Texas
If you are considering a divorce in Texas and you are beginning to learn more about how the divorce process in Texas works, you are not alone. Each year, approximately seventy-five thousand Texans end their marriages. Unfortunately, the number of divorces that happen in Texas does not make it any easier for each person to…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Describes the Crime of “Jugging”
The holiday shopping season is in full swing, and, unfortunately for shoppers, the stores are not the only ones who are interested in getting a hold of your cash. Thieves are continually coming up with new strategies and tactics for obtaining money from unsuspecting victims. Jugging, the latest trend in theft, has infiltrated major cities…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Explains the Crime of “Revenge Porn”
The widespread use of technology and social media have created many ways for people to interact with each other. Unfortunately, the nature of online interactions isn’t always positive. From people trolling each other on social media and leaving nasty comments on the details of other people’s lives to creating and posting online content with the…
Texas Family Law Attorney Reminds Divorced and Divorcing Texans to use Caution at Tax Time
One thing that it can be easy to overlook when you are divorcing or newly divorced is the tax consequences of your divorce. Whether your divorce affects your taxes for better or for worse, there is one thing that is certain – you will need to do your taxes at least somewhat differently than you…
Texas Family Law Attorney Discusses Counseling
Divorce clients often wonder whether they need counseling. If they have kids, they are also likely to wonder whether their children need therapy. If you’re asking one or both of these questions, that’s good because looking after your mental health and the mental health of your children is essential to your overall well-being. In this…