Texas DWI Defense Attorney Reminds Drivers to Watch Out for No Refusal Periods
Austin police report that their ‘No Refusal’ DWI enforcement program is helping them obtain better evidence and make stronger cases against drunk and drugged drivers. Despite that apparent success, there are no numerical data available to tell us whether fewer people are driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and whether there has been…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Talks About What Defense Attorneys Do
Did you get caught up in a DWI arrest this past weekend in Austin? If so, it’s time for you to learn more about what a Texas DWI Defense Attorney can do for you. The police in the Austin area have expanded their No Refusal DWI initiative, which means that more and more drivers are…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Discusses Intoxication Manslaughter Verdict
One potential outcome that can result from driving while intoxicated is getting charged with intoxication manslaughter. No one who drinks and drives expects to get into a wreck while they are driving, and they do not intend to kill anyone. Unfortunately, alcohol use increases accident risk, which not only endangers the safety of the driver…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Reports Expansion of Record Sealing Legislation Possible
The Texas Senate recently approved legislation that would allow individuals who are convicted of single-offense, nonviolent misdemeanors to have a “second chance” by asking a court to seal their criminal records. The bill, House Bill 3016, returned to the House so that the House may consider some changes proposed by the Senate. If House Bill…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Says State Testing New DWI Blood Test Warrant System
If you have experienced a DWI traffic stop in Texas before, you may have a different experience the next time that you get pulled over. The state of Texas is currently testing a new system that could make it quicker for law enforcement officers to obtain blood draw warrants. The testing is taking place in…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Talks About No Refusal Periods
If you think that “no refusal” periods are limited to holiday weekends, it’s time that you take another look at Texas DWI policy, including the provisions for “no refusal” periods. Some areas have lengthy “no refusal” periods in March, not because St. Patrick’s Day celebrations last for weeks, but because other events like Spring Break…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Discusses DWI with Additional Charges
Sometimes, DWI is the only charge that results from a traffic stop or a motorist’s encounter with law enforcement. DWI is a serious charge with harsh consequences, and a driver who is charged with DWI has a tough road ahead of them to navigate. Unfortunately, some drivers end up getting charged with additional crimes along…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Warns Drivers That No Refusal Weekend may be Imminent
Halloween is on a Monday this year, but that does not mean that there won’t be any fun for adults who have to go to work on Tuesday morning. The weekend before Halloween is likely to be filled with all kinds of fun and festive parties. It could also be filled with traffic stops and…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Explains the Difference between Civil and Criminal Securities Fraud
Securities fraud can be a tricky concept to understand, and the fact that there are both civil securities fraud actions and criminal securities fraud actions makes matters even more complicated. A case in Collin County sheds some light on the difference between criminal securities fraud and civil securities fraud. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Describes The Important Role of Counsel in DWI Cases
Now that you face DWI charges, you may feel like you are in an unfamiliar landscape. Before your DWI, you were not likely thinking about how you would defend yourself against DWI charges. After all, there was no need to think about that – until now. Now that you are facing DWI charges, you are…