Category: Texas DWI Defense

  • Understanding the State of Texas’ DWI Penalties if Convicted of a First-Time DWI Offense

    Most states have much more severe DWI punishments than Texas. However, the penalties for driving while intoxicated (DWI) convictions have lasting consequences. Like most states, the penalties for a DWI conviction in Texas vary from case to case. For example, repeat-offense DWI cases have much more severe consequences than a first-time DWI conviction. In Texas,…

  • Are DWI Checkpoints Legal in the State of Texas?

    Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a grave criminal offense in the state of Texas. The state has some of the strictest DWI laws in the country, and the penalties for violating them can be severe. One of the methods law enforcement agencies use to enforce DWI laws is the use of DWI checkpoints or roadblocks.…

  • Top 5 DWI Defense Strategies in Texas

    Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a serious charge in Texas that carries severe penalties, including fines, jail time, and the potential suspension of driving privileges. However, a DWI charge does not necessarily result in a conviction. There are various defense strategies that experienced attorneys can employ to challenge the prosecution’s case. This article explores the…

  • Defense Strategies Involving Medical Issues in a DWI Case in Texas

    Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charges in Texas are serious offenses, carrying substantial penalties and a lasting impact on an individual’s personal and professional life. However, not every DWI charge is as clear-cut as it seems, and certain circumstances—particularly medical conditions—can lead to wrongful accusations. In such cases, defense strategies involving these medical conditions can play…

  • Understanding Texas Administrative Law Review Hearings

    Facing a criminal charge of DWI in Texas is a frightening experience, and there are some important actions to take after you have been arrested for DWI in Texas. Failing to take these actions can have a significant negative impact on your life. For example, a DWI defendant only has fifteen days from the date…

  • How Prescription Drugs May Affect Your Texas DWI Case

    Millions of people throughout Texas are prescribed daily medication for the treatment of 1,000s of ailments. In some cases, patients have been prescribed medications that contain narcotic medication to treat pain. Of course, most people take their medications as directed by their doctors. When patients follow their doctor’s directions and take the medications as prescribed,…

  • Texas DWI Laws Are Serious and Severe

    Many Texans travel all over the country to enjoy the wonderful sights and beauty of our country. People visit the natural wonders of each state, sightsee popular locations, and eat the unique cuisines of each city. However, most people do not always have the law on their minds. State laws vary from state to state,…

  • What is a Texas Occupational Driver’s License?

    If you have been arrested and charged with a DWI in Texas, you must request a driver’s license administrative hearing as quickly as possible to be able to protect your ability to drive. In Texas, a person loses their driver’s license when they decline blood or breath chemical testing during a DWI investigation or if…

  • Can You Defend Against Field Sobriety Test Faiures in a Texas DWI Criminal Trial?

    Absolutely. However, to beat the State’s case against you, our East Texas DWI Defense Attorney has to attack the validity of the prosecution’s field sobriety tests and other evidence. When a driver is pulled over and the law enforcement officer begins a DWI investigation against the driver, it is very common for the officer to…

  • Texas DWI Defense Attorney Talks About When DWI is Combined With Other Offenses

    A woman who crashed her SUV into the front of an Irving jewelry store is charged with DWI, in addition to charges related to property damage. The wreck happened on a Tuesday morning after the woman had been out drinking at a bar in Dallas. She admitted to having been out drinking and identified herself…