The Lasting Repercussions of a Criminal Conviction on Your Record: Navigating Life’s Challenges
A criminal conviction is a life-altering event that can have far-reaching consequences. Beyond the immediate legal penalties, a mark on your criminal record can cast a long shadow on various aspects of your life. In this article, we delve into the lasting repercussions of a criminal conviction and explore the challenges individuals may face as…
Understanding Sexual Assault Criminal Charges in Texas
Sexual assault is a legal term that includes unsolicited sexual contact, rape, certain types of harassment, exploitation by a person of authority, sexual advances toward a child, or molestation. Many different things are involved in sexual abuse criminal cases, and these criminal offenses are very serious. Sexual assault affects both the sex abuse victim and…
Texas’ Implied Consent Laws and Refusing Breathalyzer Tests
If you or a member of your family have been pulled over due to suspicion of driving while under the influence DWI), it is important to know your legal rights. Texas’ DWI laws are intricate and continue to develop. When a law enforcement officer asks you to submit to a roadside breathalyzer test or field…
Texas Field Sobriety Test Laws
Texas is tough on driving while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Every year Texas law enforcement officers arrest nearly 100,000 drivers for DWI. About 70% of those arrests result in convictions. When a driver is pulled over for suspicion of driving while intoxicated, the police officer will examine the driver for signs of…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Provides a Glimpse Into how the Coronavirus is Affecting the Texas Criminal Justice System
The coronavirus has affected just about every aspect of daily life for Texas residents, Americans, and people all over the world. Individuals recently charged with crimes in Texas, and those who are incarcerated in Texas prisons, are wondering how the coronavirus will affect their ability to work through their criminal law matters towards freedom and…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Says a Recently Passed State Law Expands Use of DNA Evidence in Texas
DNA evidence can provide valuable information about a crime, including information about who may have been involved in the crime. DNA evidence has the potential to help authorities identify potential suspects more accurately than they would be able to identify them by relying exclusively on other types of evidence. A Texas law passed last year…
Texas DWI Defense Attorney Says Drinking and Driving is Not Worth It
One of the most common reactions to a DWI arrest is surprise. Many DWI defendants report feeling surprised that they were arrested for DWI because they did not think that they were drunk. It’s possible that you might be as surprised as those unlucky drivers were to learn that the law enforcement officers who…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Says Despite Legality of Hemp, Arrests Continue
Texas crime labs recently partnered with Sam Houston University to develop a lab test to analyze the THC content of plant material or oil. The test is an important step forward following the legalization of hemp in Texas. The test enables authorities to determine whether a sample of oil or plant material is legal hemp,…
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Says Full Exoneration is Worth Pursuing for the Innocent
Criminal convictions stop people right in their tracks. Whatever they were doing in their life before they were charged with and convicted of a crime gets put on hold. For individuals who are wrongfully convicted, their convictions place their lives on hold as they wait for the day when the truth sets them free. The…