Why Should I Settle My Texas Divorce Case?

Did you know that most divorce cases, whether they take place in Texas or elsewhere, are resolved through settlement instead of by trial? It is estimated that around ninety five percent of divorce cases settle, with a remaining 5% to be handled in the courtroom.  If you are currently convinced that your divorce case will be a part of the five percent of divorce cases that go to trial, keep reading to find out why so many divorce cases settle, and why your case is very likely to end up being one of them.

The parties in a divorce proceeding are certainly adverse to one another, at least in many cases. After all, if things were workable between them, then they would not be filing for divorce. There is one thing, however, that even the most adversarial of spouses can often agree on. That one thing is that each of them will be better off if they design their own divorce settlement than if they let a judge design it for them.

The reason for this is simple. The parties to a divorce know what property they have, and which items are most important to each of them. If they have children, they know what kind of a schedule will work for their family, and what things they consider important with regards to the children. Any property settlement and parent child contact schedule that the parties arrive at through settlement is going to reflect this knowledge about what is important to the parties and what will work for them much better than a divorce order that is created by someone who does not know the family.

With this in mind, you may be wondering how you will ever be able to reap the benefits of settling your divorce if you cannot so much as have a simple conversation with your soon to be former spouse without the conversation quickly dissolving into yelling, tears, or silence. If communication between you and your soon to be former spouse is difficult, you are not alone. Most couples who are divorcing have at least some degree of difficulty communicating with each other at least some of the time. Despite this, most of them are able to go on to settle their divorces without a trial.

How do they do it? By getting attorneys involved. An experienced Texas divorce attorney can help you to bypass communication difficulties and obtain a settlement that is based upon what is important to you. It may seem counterintuitive that bringing attorneys into what is already an adversarial situation could actually make communication better, because usually when people retain an attorney for the purpose of filing a lawsuit based upon a dispute that they cannot resolve, it is viewed as taking the conflict between the parties to the next level.

In a divorce, the attorneys provide a sort of filter, or buffer, between the feuding parties. For example, if you wrote up a settlement offer and presented it to your spouse, he or she may reject it regardless of what it says, simply because it came from you. If that same exact offer was sent from the desk of your attorney to the desk of their attorney, and their attorney presented it to them as an option, they are much more likely to accept it. At the very least, they will read through it without tearing it up, and if it is not to their liking they will work with their attorney to present a counter offer.

A knowledgeable East Texas divorce attorney can help you to obtain the divorce settlement that you deserve, without the stress and expense of a trial. Schedule a free consultation with Longview divorce attorney Alex Tyra today, by calling (903) 753-7499, or visit our law firm website to submit an online contact form.