Balancing Amicable Negotiations & Litigation in Texas Child Custody Cases

If you and your spouse are one of the 80,000 couples annually that navigate the divorce process, you may be apprehensive and stressed about an uncertain future.  While the divorce process can be emotionally trying, less conflict usually is better for both spouses and their children where possible.  An experienced Texas divorce attorney can assist you in establishing mutually beneficial resolutions to key issues like spousal support, division of community assets and debts, child custody, visitation and other applicable issues.

When Longview family law attorney Alex Tyra represents clients, he provides legal advice so that his can clients can make informed decisions about when to take an aggressive position to obtain their desired outcome.  Because of Mr. Tyra’s extensive experience handle divorce cases before Texas judges, he can suggest a range of potential outcomes and insight into how a judge will typically rule on a particular issue.  This permits clients to make informed decisions and avoid animosity on issues where there is little if anything to be gained by bitter contentious litigation.

If your divorce will involve developing custody and visitation arrangements for minor children, the value of dealing reasonably with the other parent cannot be overstated.  One important factor that Texas divorce judges look to when developing custody and visitation arrangements is a parent’s ability and willingness to encourage a continuous and ongoing relationship with the other parent.  When family law judges are presented with evidence that a parent is attempting to alienate the child from the other parent, the court will often give such conduct significant weight when developing custody and visitation orders.  The court will apply the “best interest” of the child standard and will generally presume that frequent and continuing contact with both parents is in the best interested of minor children.

While taking the “high road” and seeking an amicable arrangement on custody and visitations orders with the other parent is always preferable because it is easier on minor children, some issues generally promote more contentious disputes.  If either parent has a history of domestic violence, child neglect or abuse, substance abuse or similar types of issues, the safety and well-being of the children may necessitate limited access by one parent or even supervised visitation.  The parent against who such allegations are made often will aggressively contest such restrictive arrangements.  If you are involved in a divorce with these sorts of child custody issues, it is important to have an experienced Texas child custody lawyer because the case may proceed to trial.

Whether you are involved in a divorce with contentious child custody issues or you are seeking to reach an amicable child custody and visitation settlement, Texas family law attorney Alex Tyra offers a free consultation so that he can help you understand your rights and options.  We invite you to contact us in our Longview, Texas office at 903-753-7499 or visit our website and submit a case contact form.