Entries by LS_admin

Divorcing Couples: Who Gets What in a Texas Divorce

Divorce can be a stressful and complicated legal process, especially when children and valuable assets are involved. Other than working out child custody of minor children, the next major issue of contention is determining how to divide real property and assets. Depending on your specific situation, discussing property division may cause heated arguments or mature […]

Divorced Parents Dispute COVID-19 Vaccination of Minor Children in Texas

According to a news report on washingtonpost.com, divorced parents are heading to court to fight to stop their children from receiving the COVID vaccination. The issue is a national issue, and the report states that there has been a “surge in COVID-19 vaccine disputes.” the sensitive issue is causing stress to families, and some parents […]

Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Provides a Glimpse Into how the Coronavirus is Affecting the Texas Criminal Justice System

The coronavirus has affected just about every aspect of daily life for Texas residents, Americans, and people all over the world. Individuals recently charged with crimes in Texas, and those who are incarcerated in Texas prisons, are wondering how the coronavirus will affect their ability to work through their criminal law matters towards freedom and […]

Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Provides a Glimpse Into how the Coronavirus is Affecting the Texas Criminal Justice System

The coronavirus has affected just about every aspect of daily life for Texas residents, Americans, and people all over the world. Individuals recently charged with crimes in Texas, and those who are incarcerated in Texas prisons, are wondering how the coronavirus will affect their ability to work through their criminal law matters towards freedom and […]