Entries by LS_admin

Is a Prenuptial Agreement Right for You?

Although an increasing number of couples are entering into prenuptial agreements prior to marriage, there is still a feeling among many that prenuptial agreements undermine the full commitment or trust that is fundamental to a marital relationship.  When considering a marital partnership, it can be helpful to draw an analogy to business partners – marriage […]

DWI Crime Ends With Four Children Seriously Injured

In our lives we are faced with decisions each day that ultimately impacts our present, and our future. Whether we are deciding upon what we would like to eat today, whether or not we should have a night on the town, or simply if we should by the sweater or not; we are constantly faced […]

DWI Crime Ends With Four Children Seriously Injured

In our lives we are faced with decisions each day that ultimately impacts our present, and our future. Whether we are deciding upon what we would like to eat today, whether or not we should have a night on the town, or simply if we should by the sweater or not; we are constantly faced […]

Do You Need An Attorney When Dealing With Your Criminal Case?

Within our lives it can certainly be said and seen that we will experience different things that vary each and every day. Ultimately, we take away many things from these experiences whether it is insight with future situations, an award, a lesson learned, or even that of consequences that impact our future opportunities and decisions. […]

Trick-or-Treat: DWIs This Halloween

Driving is one aspect of our lives that we ultimately practice almost every day. Whether we are behind the wheel, and on the road commuting to and form work, running one of our never ending errands, or dropping off the kids at soccer practice it feels like the majority of our lives are spent on […]

Can You Always Trust Teachers?

In our lives we depend on many different people whether we believe it or not. Today, we live to believe that we are individuals, and can depend on ourselves for the majority of our wants and needs. However, that is not generally the case at all. When you look at everything at a grand scale […]

Is Depression Linked To Shoplifting?

In our lives we face many different aspects of life that vary with each day that we encounter. While some days can be exciting, and harmonious for us other days can hold stress, and strife. However, in our lives we simply just do not have the time to evaluate all of these emotions and take […]

The Issue of Sex Catching Up With Technology

Today, we live in a world that is centered on that of technology. If you were to look around where you are either sitting, or standing you would see a multitude of various technology devices that perform a variety of different functions. Cellphones are one particular device that we rely heavily on in this day […]

The Issue of Sex Catching Up With Technology

Today, we live in a world that is centered on that of technology. If you were to look around where you are either sitting, or standing you would see a multitude of various technology devices that perform a variety of different functions. Cellphones are one particular device that we rely heavily on in this day […]