Entries by LS_admin

What Every Texas Driver Should Know about Field Sobriety Tests [Part II]

This is Part II of our multi-part blog post discussing important information that drivers should know about field sobriety tests (FSTs) if they are stopped after consuming alcohol.  Part I of this blog provided an overview of the types of FSTs that may be administered whereas Part II focuses on key issues relevant to effectively […]

What Every Texas Driver Should Know about Field Sobriety Tests [Part II]

This is Part II of our multi-part blog post discussing important information that drivers should know about field sobriety tests (FSTs) if they are stopped after consuming alcohol.  Part I of this blog provided an overview of the types of FSTs that may be administered whereas Part II focuses on key issues relevant to effectively […]

A Primer for Division of Assets and Debts in a Texas Divorce

Property division is an important aspect of most divorces, but the distribution of community property assets and debts between spouses takes on special importance in Texas because of our state’s limitation on availability, amount and duration of spousal maintenance (referred to as “alimony” or “spousal support” in other states).  This primer on property division in […]

Why You Are the First Line of Defense in a Texas DUI Case

When drivers see the flashing lights in your rearview mirror after a night with friends or family and a few drinks, the sense of dread that envelopes most drivers is understandable.  The inevitable interaction you are about to have with a law enforcement officer will determine whether you drive home or the officer hauls you […]

Key Mistakes to Avoid When Navigating a Texas Divorce

While retaining a competent experienced Texas divorce attorney can provide an effective way to protect your interests during a divorce, any party to a divorce also can take steps to avoid certain mistakes that adversely impact the outcome of one’s marital dissolution.  If you have questions about how to handle certain issues, your attorney can […]

Why Domestic Violence Allegations Are Important in Texas Child Custody Cases

While an amicable relationship with the other parent in a Texas divorce is usually in the best interest of minor children and both parents, sometimes this is simply not a realistic alternative.  The process of developing timeshare and custody arrangements may be difficult when certain issues are present, including an uncooperative co-parent, domestic violence, substance […]