Texas DWI Defense Attorney Says Drinking and Driving is Not Worth It


One of the most common reactions to a DWI arrest is surprise. Many DWI defendants report feeling surprised that they were arrested for DWI because they did not think that they were drunk. It’s possible that you might be as surprised as those unlucky drivers were to learn that the law enforcement officers who patrol Texas roadways are not only looking for drivers who are drunk. They are looking for drivers who have been drinking. You can be arrested for DWI if an officer suspects that you have been drinking, whether you are drunk or not.

In addition to the surprise that accompanies the occurrence of a DWI arrest, many DWI defendants find themselves surprised by how quickly the costs of a DWI arrest add up. You’ll need to post bail, and you’ll have to pay any fees involved in towing and impounding your vehicle. Losing your driver’s license forces you to seek alternative methods of transportation to all of the places that you usually go to, and that often involves paying someone to take you there. There are court costs associated with DWI cases, and you’ll more than likely have to pay attorneys’ fees unless you qualify for the services of a public defender. Even if you do qualify for public defender services, you may choose to retain a private attorney to represent you in your DWI case, which costs money. Additionally, the resolution of your DWI case may include the payment of a fine. Many DWI defendants in Texas report incurring costs of between fifteen and twenty thousand dollars throughout their DWI case.

In addition to the monetary costs of a DWI arrest, the personal cost of drinking and driving is high. Many people have hectic lives, and a DWI arrest can add many tasks and burdens to the list of responsibilities and activities you already have on your plate. Meeting with an attorney and going to court takes time, and it is often time that you would otherwise be at work. You may lose additional work time attending any classes, appointments, and probation that are required as part of the resolution of your DWI case. If you lose your job or if you were in the process of looking for a job when you were arrested for DWI, that DWI may make the jobs you want harder to get. You might also encounter difficulties in applying to college or applying for public or private benefits, programs, and even housing. Your DWI arrest may even place a strain on the relationships that are most important to you.

If you consider the financial and personal costs associated with a DWI arrest, you may conclude that it’s simply not worth it to drive after you have had even one drink. If you are already facing the costs of a DWI arrest, do not let the cost of attorneys’ fees prevent you from aligning yourself with someone who can help you walk through your DWI case in pursuit of the best possible resolution. A Texas DWI defense attorney can help you protect your liberty, your family, your freedom, and other things that are important to you. Call Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499.



Texas DWI Defense Attorney Says Drinking and Driving is Not Worth It


One of the most common reactions to a DWI arrest is surprise. Many DWI defendants report feeling surprised that they were arrested for DWI because they did not think that they were drunk. It’s possible that you might be as surprised as those unlucky drivers were to learn that the law enforcement officers who patrol Texas roadways are not only looking for drivers who are drunk. They are looking for drivers who have been drinking. You can be arrested for DWI if an officer suspects that you have been drinking, whether you are drunk or not.

In addition to the surprise that accompanies the occurrence of a DWI arrest, many DWI defendants find themselves surprised by how quickly the costs of a DWI arrest add up. You’ll need to post bail, and you’ll have to pay any fees involved in towing and impounding your vehicle. Losing your driver’s license forces you to seek alternative methods of transportation to all of the places that you usually go to, and that often involves paying someone to take you there. There are court costs associated with DWI cases, and you’ll more than likely have to pay attorneys’ fees unless you qualify for the services of a public defender. Even if you do qualify for public defender services, you may choose to retain a private attorney to represent you in your DWI case, which costs money. Additionally, the resolution of your DWI case may include the payment of a fine. Many DWI defendants in Texas report incurring costs of between fifteen and twenty thousand dollars throughout their DWI case.

In addition to the monetary costs of a DWI arrest, the personal cost of drinking and driving is high. Many people have hectic lives, and a DWI arrest can add many tasks and burdens to the list of responsibilities and activities you already have on your plate. Meeting with an attorney and going to court takes time, and it is often time that you would otherwise be at work. You may lose additional work time attending any classes, appointments, and probation that are required as part of the resolution of your DWI case. If you lose your job or if you were in the process of looking for a job when you were arrested for DWI, that DWI may make the jobs you want harder to get. You might also encounter difficulties in applying to college or applying for public or private benefits, programs, and even housing. Your DWI arrest may even place a strain on the relationships that are most important to you.

If you consider the financial and personal costs associated with a DWI arrest, you may conclude that it’s simply not worth it to drive after you have had even one drink. If you are already facing the costs of a DWI arrest, do not let the cost of attorneys’ fees prevent you from aligning yourself with someone who can help you walk through your DWI case in pursuit of the best possible resolution. A Texas DWI defense attorney can help you protect your liberty, your family, your freedom, and other things that are important to you. Call Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499.