Texas DWI Defense Attorney Warns Drivers That No Refusal Weekend may be Imminent

Halloween is on a Monday this year, but that does not mean that there won’t be any fun for adults who have to go to work on Tuesday morning. The weekend before Halloween is likely to be filled with all kinds of fun and festive parties. It could also be filled with traffic stops and a heightened law enforcement presence on the roadways, especially if some areas decide to implement a no refusal weekend.

If you like going to Halloween parties, you may be looking forward to choosing a costume and going out for a weekend of fun. Please be advised that law enforcement officers are well aware that adults enjoy Halloween just as much as kids do, and they will be paying close attention to keeping drunk drivers off of the roads by increasing their patrols. This larger law enforcement presence is likely to lead to more traffic stops, which means that drivers are at a higher risk of being pulled over than they usually are. Since law enforcement officers are basically out hunting for intoxicated drivers this weekend, and they will not hesitate to stop any drivers whom they suspect have been drinking.

In addition to increased patrols, police in some areas may choose to implement a “no refusal weekend” on the weekend before Halloween, as they often do around other holidays throughout the year. If you are new to driving or new to Texas, or you somehow don’t know what a “no refusal weekend” is, it is important that you learn about how traffic stops during these specially designated time periods are different from regular traffic stops. During any “no refusal weekend,” any driver who is suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol must submit to roadside breath or blood testing. Any driver who refuses to submit to testing will be arrested, and a blood sample will be obtained from them while they are in police custody. Ordinarily, refusal of roadside blood or breath testing results in license suspension, not arrest.

Texas DWI Defense Attorney Alex Tyra – Defending Texas Drivers Who Are Charged With DWI

If you are stopped by the police at any point in time, try to prevent your traffic stop from becoming a DWI investigation. You can increase your chance of avoiding an investigation by remaining calm, using a respectful tone of voice, and giving the police officer only as much information as the law requires. If you do end up being taken into custody, invoke your right to remain silent and ask to speak with an attorney right away. A knowledgeable Texas DWI defense attorney can do many things to build a strong case on your behalf, especially if you retain them right away. If you have been accused of driving under the influence of alcohol, contact an experienced Texas DWI Defense Attorney today. If you have any questions about DWI in Texas, call Texas DWI Defense Attorney Alex Tyra, at (903) 753-7499, or contact us online.