Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Talks about a Potential Shift in Drug Crime Policy

Lawmakers in Texas may be preparing to take state drug crime policy in a new direction which could both lessen the penalties associated with certain drug crimes and shift the focus from punishment to treatment. As is the case with any matter related to criminal justice, the issue of how to address situations in which individuals break the laws regarding controlled substances is controversial. However, as prison populations remain high and individuals continue to engage in criminal activity once they are released from prison, it is important that Texas and other states explore alternatives to the current way of doing things.

Some of the changes that are being contemplated by the House Corrections Committee include downgrading some nonviolent drug crimes from felonies to misdemeanors and shortening sentences on other nonviolent drug offenses. The issues will be studied by the Committee throughout the remainder of this year, with possible legislation to follow in early 2017.

The potential changes to Texas drug crime policy will apply only to individuals who have been charged with specific nonviolent drug offenses, such as possessing small amounts of a controlled substance. However, many individuals throughout the state are charged with those offenses every year, so the effects of the potential legislation could be far-reaching.

The possible changes to the way that some nonviolent drug crimes are handled could help people who struggle with substance abuse issues get the treatment and support that they need. When a person is struggling with addiction, they are likely to continue to purchase and use their drug of choice whether the penalty for being caught doing so is $500.00 or $5000.00, and whether they would face jail time or not. Addiction is a powerful force with the potential to destroy a person’s life. While not every person who participates in drug treatment is able to overcome addiction, many of them do. The potential for drug treatment to help individuals move forward from drug use and abuse and into healthy, productive lives is greater than the potential for achieving those outcomes through the current system of fines and incarceration, which have resulted in high rates of recidivism.

Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra – A Strong Advocate for Texans

While drug crime policy reform in Texas may be on the horizon, if you have been charged with a drug crime in Texas, you need a strong ally in your corner right now. A seasoned Texas criminal defense attorney is able to help each client understand the nature of the charges that have been brought against them. Your attorney can also help you understand what your options are for resolving your criminal matter. Since each case is unique, your attorney will work with you to pursue a resolution of your case that is in line with your needs and priorities. To learn more about drug offenses or any other type of Texas criminal matter, please call Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499 or contact us online to find out whether we can help you.