Options You Can Rely On When A Minor Gains A Possession Ticket
In today’s day and age, the social standards of what a child, or teenager can do in comparison to that of in the 1950s or 1960s is dramatically different. In past years, teenagers might go to a “sock-hop”, and then grab a shake down at the local soda shop with the other person they have been courting around town. Today, teenagers enjoy living it up on the party scene from dances, themed parties, or just random weekend get-togethers. However, one variable that can be seen common throughout each of these scenarios today is alcohol.
Parents and teenagers alike have both become much more moderate when dealing with alcohol in the hands of a minor. Many teenagers participate in drinking on the scene wherever the party may be. Yet, one issue that both age groups have not come to terms yet with is the phrase, “ minor in possession”. The phrase can be seen on the ticket that a teenager, or minor can easily be given not only if seen consuming, but even with the substance near or within their vicinity and just the simple smell on an individual. With a charge like minor in possession, if not handled properly, can follow an individual to higher educational institutes, such as college, or graduate school, to even future employment.
A minor who is given a ticket for alcohol possession has just a few real options. If a teenager, or minor, does not have any further instances they make seek expungement after they reach the age of 21. However, that option becomes slight more difficult for those individuals who have another instance with alcohol while being underage. If you are charged again with the violation of minor in possession, it is crucial that upon the time that you receive the charge that you immediately challenge the ticket within the court of law so that your previous charge can be expunged from your permanent record. If not, both charges will be unable to be removed and will indefinitely rest on the record of the charged individual.
In the end, everyone is human, and kids will be kids, so drinking in this period of time seems to everyday become closer to the younger generations. However, if you are charged with a minor in possession, or a DWI charge, you need an experienced lawyer that you can count on.
At the very least, experienced counsel will give you the benefit of advising you on the best steps to take to minimize the severity of the penalties imposed on you. Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.