Texas Divorce Attorney Explains The Difficulty Of Military Divorces
Military divorces are particularly difficult, especially when children are involved. Deciding what is in the children’s’ best interest is a complicated and emotionally charged decision. Add to the calculus that the military member could go overseas and you have a seemingly insurmountable decision to make. Additionally, a military member’s spouse is entitled to a percentage of the military member’s pension accumulated during the marriage. The formula used for calculating the exact award is cumbersome and frequently misunderstood. The award is designed to evenly and fairly divide the pension between the spouses. However, the parties and the judges can easily make a mistake in the calculations. Although representing yourself in a divorce seems like a good idea because you can save money on attorney’s fees, you may wind up losing more in the long run. An experienced Texas divorce attorney like the Texas divorce attorneys from The Law Office Of Alex Tyra will make sure that you get what you deserve whether you are the military member or their spouse.
Military families face incredible stress and strain. Deployments, combat, injuries, and psychological problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder from combat service all contribute to military families falling apart. Even the strongest family ties succumb to the strains military like causes. Lifestyle demands of military families often mean one spouse gets shipped around and the other stays at home with the kids. Staying home with the kids can mean passing on work or educational advances. Divorce can leave that spouse in a difficult position financially. Deployment means the entire responsibility for child rearing and care falls on the spouse left behind. The non-military spouse will need greater child support payments to help care for the family.
Deployments hurt the military member as well. Deployments essentially prevent the military member from seeking full custody of their children because the best interests of the children may be better served by living with the non-military spouse. This issue is an important consideration for reservists and members of the National Guard as well. Members of those services are activated and deployed regularly. The potential for activation and deployment is a serious and significant consideration for a family court judge when ruling on custody. A seasoned divorce attorney will guide you through this difficult process.
Finances are an enormous consideration. The everyday financial worries do not stop simply because the parties are divorcing. Allowance must be made for child-care, vehicle costs, housing costs, educational costs, and extra-curricular activities even before the divorce is final. You should rely on a divorce attorney to fight to protect your rights so you can provide for your family.
An attorney will also help sort out the difficulties surrounding splitting a military pension. A military member gets a lifetime pension after 20 years of service. Texas courts use a mathematical formula to determine the amount of pension the parties are due. The formula is not terribly complicated but can be misinterpreted, leading to unfair results. The pension payout is negotiable, just like other marital assets. Spouses can negotiate a lower pension payout in exchange for another asset like equity in the marital home or pay off a vehicle loan. Consideration must be given to the military survivor benefit plan as well. Pension payments cease when the military member dies. The spouse can negotiate payment into this insurance plan to cover their finances should their spouse die before them.
Consult An Experienced Advocate
Call the experienced and compassionate Texas Divorce Attorney of the Law Office Of Alex Tyra. They will fight for you and your family to make certain you get what you deserve and protect you and your family. Call the Law Office of Alex Tyra today at 903-753-7499 to get the representation you need.