What is a Texas Occupational Driver’s License?

If you have been arrested and charged with a DWI in Texas, you must request a driver’s license administrative hearing as quickly as possible to be able to protect your ability to drive. In Texas, a person loses their driver’s license when they decline blood or breath chemical testing during a DWI investigation or if the driver’s chemical testing shows their blood alcohol concentration is .08 or higher. The law enforcement officer is required to provide you with a Notice of Suspension. This Notice of Suspension is a 40-day temporary driver’s permit. However, driver’s charged with DWI only have 15 days from the date of their charge to request an Administrative License Revocation (ALR) hearing to fight for their driving privileges. Failure to do so will result in the automatic driver’s license suspension on day 40 after the date of the Notice of Suspension.

ALR hearings are very important for several reasons. First, you and your attorney can fight to get your driver’s license back. Also, this helps your DWI attorney to review the evidence against you and properly prepare for the DWI criminal proceeding. At an ALR hearing, your DWI attorney can request certain evidentiary items that will help them understand how the State Attorney will handle the DWI criminal trial.

In Texas, our attorney can help you fight for an occupational license. An occupational license is a restricted driver’s license issued to drivers who had their regular driver’s license suspended or revoked due to certain criminal offenses. An occupational license permits you to operate non-commercial motor vehicles to school, job, or to perform certain household duties such as grocery shopping. There are special requirements that you must meet to obtain an occupational license in Texas, including providing a pink SR-22 certificate of insurance, paying certain fees, and providing a certified copy of the petition.

Should you or a loved one be arrested and charged for DUI/DWI in Texas, you will want to know the answers to common questions.

  • If convicted, what penalties and punishments am I facing? 
  • Can I avoid a jail sentence? 
  • How will a DWI conviction on my record impact my future employment and current job?
  • Will other people find out that I have was arrested for DWI

It is vital that you speak with an experienced East Texas DWI defense attorney immediately for the answers that you can trust to those important questions. Call (903) 753-7499 or e-mail the firm to receive your free initial consultation.

Can You Defend Against Field Sobriety Test Faiures in a Texas DWI Criminal Trial?

Absolutely. However, to beat the State’s case against you, our East Texas DWI Defense Attorney has to attack the validity of the prosecution’s field sobriety tests and other evidence.

When a driver is pulled over and the law enforcement officer begins a DWI investigation against the driver, it is very common for the officer to order the driver to submit to what is called a “Field Sobriety Test.” These tests are performed in front of the police cruiser’s camera and voice recorder and is used as evidence in a DWI criminal case.

However, that evidence could be suppressed weakening the State’s case against you. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) manuals, if the Field Sobriety Tests were not performed properly by the law enforcement officer, or if performed without following to the training protocols, the validity of those Field Sobriety Tests and subsequent evaluations could be compromised. In other words, our attorneys may be able to persuade the judge to throw out your Field Sobriety Tests. This could help us to either plea down your DWI charge or have your case dismissed all together.

Most Field Sobriety Tests have very low reliability ratings. Meaning, these tests are far from being 100% accurate. Moreover, experienced DWI defense attorneys understand that 98% or more of law enforcement officers conducting these Field Sobriety Tests conduct them in a way not approved by the SFST guidelines. Most officers also grade the evaluations incorrectly. When these tests are performed incorrectly, these evaluations have no predicted reliability.

The latest scientific research of Field Sobriety Test scoring and protocols have put the NHTSA “Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (“SFSTs”) into question. An increasing number of DWI courts are now declaring these tests as invalid.

If you, a friend, or a member of your family has been arrested and charged with DUI/DWI in Texas, speak with our experienced East Texas DWI defense lawyer immediately for the answers to your important questions.

Call (903) 753-7499 or e-mail the firm to schedule your free initial consultation.

Can You Defend Against Field Sobriety Test Faiures in a Texas DWI Criminal Trial?

Absolutely. However, to beat the State’s case against you, our East Texas DWI Defense Attorney has to attack the validity of the prosecution’s field sobriety tests and other evidence.

When a driver is pulled over and the law enforcement officer begins a DWI investigation against the driver, it is very common for the officer to order the driver to submit to what is called a “Field Sobriety Test.” These tests are performed in front of the police cruiser’s camera and voice recorder and is used as evidence in a DWI criminal case.

However, that evidence could be suppressed weakening the State’s case against you. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) manuals, if the Field Sobriety Tests were not performed properly by the law enforcement officer, or if performed without following to the training protocols, the validity of those Field Sobriety Tests and subsequent evaluations could be compromised. In other words, our attorneys may be able to persuade the judge to throw out your Field Sobriety Tests. This could help us to either plea down your DWI charge or have your case dismissed all together.

Most Field Sobriety Tests have very low reliability ratings. Meaning, these tests are far from being 100% accurate. Moreover, experienced DWI defense attorneys understand that 98% or more of law enforcement officers conducting these Field Sobriety Tests conduct them in a way not approved by the SFST guidelines. Most officers also grade the evaluations incorrectly. When these tests are performed incorrectly, these evaluations have no predicted reliability.

The latest scientific research of Field Sobriety Test scoring and protocols have put the NHTSA “Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (“SFSTs”) into question. An increasing number of DWI courts are now declaring these tests as invalid.

If you, a friend, or a member of your family has been arrested and charged with DUI/DWI in Texas, speak with our experienced East Texas DWI defense lawyer immediately for the answers to your important questions.

Call (903) 753-7499 or e-mail the firm to schedule your free initial consultation.