Texas DWI Defense Attorney Discusses the Dangers of Repeated DWI Offenses
A young man is dead after the vehicle he was driving was hit by a drunk driver who did not yield the right of way. The drunk driver turned left in front of the oncoming vehicle, which had the right of way at the intersection. The vehicles collided. The twenty-year-old man died at the crash scene. The drunk driver was arrested after he was transported to a hospital to be examined for injuries and exhibited signs of intoxication. This is the fourth time that this particular driver has been arrested for DWI. The driver was convicted of DWI after each of his three previous arrests. In addition to DWI charges, the driver faces a felony murder charge in connection with the fatal crash.
Repeat offense DWI drivers face increasing penalties each time they drive drunk. Unfortunately, the high number of drivers who continue to drink and drive illustrates that the threat of harsher penalties may not be enough to keep people from continuing to drink and drive after they are convicted of a DWI. Approximately one in three drunk driving arrests involve people who have already been arrested for DWI one or more times.
Repeat DWI offenders are four times as likely as first-time offenders to be involved in an alcohol-related car crash. The risk of a wreck increases with each subsequent DWI conviction. Twenty-eight people die from alcohol-related wrecks every day in America. One or more people are hurt in alcohol-related crashes every one and a half minutes. In alcohol-related wrecks that result in one or more deaths, the blood alcohol level of the driver who caused the collision is often double the legal limit. Repeated drunk driving is hazardous, even if you are never arrested for it.
There are individuals who choose to drink and drive even though they are fully aware of both the increased penalties associated with repeat DWI convictions and the increased risk of an automobile wreck that accompanies repeated incidences of driving drunk. Alcohol addiction is a serious concern, and if you believe that you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, it is essential that you seek help or encourage them to seek help. People can overcome alcohol addiction and the struggles that go along with it, but they cannot do so on their own. When people who struggle with alcohol addiction are connected with people or organizations who are trained to help them, they are more likely to overcome their addiction than people who try to fight against it on their own.
If you are facing DWI charges, a Texas DWI Defense Attorney can help you protect your liberty, your family, and your freedom. They can also handle the legal details of your DWI case while you focus your energy on recovering from the personal concerns that your DWI arrest created in your life. Call Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra today, at (903) 753-7499.