Texas Family Law Attorney Shares Holiday Tips for Divorced or Divorcing Parents

Despite that song about the holidays being “the most wonderful time of the year”, November and December can be stressful, overwhelming, and sometimes even downright unpleasant for anyone, divorced or not. For people who are divorced or who are divorcing, this season can be incredibly challenging. Fortunately, as more and more people who are divorced learn from experience and share their stories about what works well during the holiday season and what does not work, those who are new to life during or after divorce can benefit tremendously. Here are a few things that might help you to navigate this holiday season successfully.

One common mistake that newly divorced or divorcing parents make during the holidays is assuming that since a parenting schedule has been agreed to in advance, everything will go smoothly and as planned. Unfortunately, this is not often the case. Weather can interfere with travel plans and school schedules, you or your children’s other parent may receive last-minute invitations to gatherings with family and or community events, or any one of a number of other things could happen which could threaten to derail even the most carefully planned out parenting schedule. Fortunately, there is a way from preventing at least some of these occurrences from turning into conflicts. Clear and honest communication as far in advance as possible regarding proposed changes to the parenting schedule can go a long way towards keeping both of you in a problem solving state of mind where you can work together to find solutions that will work for the whole family.

Gift-giving is another area in which divorced and divorcing parents often encounter trouble during the holidays. As is the case with parenting time, planning ahead for gift giving and communicating openly and honestly with your children’s other parent can help you avoid many conflicts. Most children enjoy creating holiday wish lists, and this can be very helpful for parents. Once your children have made their lists, have a conversation with your children’s other parent about which of you will give which gifts to which children. That same conversation is a good time for both of you to address any concerns over the appropriateness or feasibility of any of the gifts on the children’s lists. Working together on gift giving helps both of you to avoid unpleasant surprises, such as the children receiving duplicate gifts or gifts that would create conflict or a temptation for either parent to speak unkindly of the other in front of the kids. Also, children enjoy giving gifts to their parents. Since many children do not have the financial resources or the ability to go out and shop for a gift for their other parent on their own, you can show your support for your child and for their relationship with their other parent by helping them make or purchase something special for their other parent.

Texas Family Law Attorney Alex Tyra – The Legal Support You Need for Your Texas Divorce

The holiday season presents a number of challenges for divorced and divorcing parents. Fortunately, many conflicts can be avoided with clear communication and advance planning. However, despite your best efforts, things may happen during the holiday season that may cause you to require legal assistance.  If you need help with your Texas divorce now or at any time of the year, Texas Divorce Attorney Alex Tyra may be able to help you. Call our office today, at (903) 753-7499.

Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Talks about Violations of Probation

For many Texans who are accused of crimes, probation is an attractive alternative to incarceration. Probation can be a good way for you to remain engaged in the productive things that you were doing in your community prior to being charged with a crime – as long as you follow the rules. Each individual who is on probation has a probation agreement that is designed to help them avoid getting into trouble with the law again. Some common provisions that are included in many probation agreements are abstinence from alcohol and substance use and meeting regularly with a probation officer. Understanding the terms of your probation agreement and abiding by them really is the only way to make probation work well for you.

Since following the rules of your probation is so important, keep a copy of your probation agreement where you can easily reference it. Also, build a strong relationship with your probation officer because they can be a good source of information and support during your probation. If you have a question about whether something that you would like to do, such as visiting friends or family out of state for the holidays, would be a violation of your probation, ask your probation officer about it before doing it.

If something occurs and you are thought to have violated your probation, Sections 521.295 and 521.296 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure specify that a hearing will be held with the purpose of determining whether you did in fact violate one or more terms of your probation. Information that will be discussed at the hearing is not strictly limited to whether or not you violated your probation agreement, the nature of your violation, the seriousness of your violation, and whether this is your first violation or a subsequent violation all weigh on the outcome of the hearing.

The outcome of your violation of probation hearing will dictate whether some or all of the consequences for violation of probation that were set forth at your original probation hearing will take effect. One possible outcome is that you walk away from the hearing with a warning. This outcome is more likely for first-time violators whose violations are not serious. Some violations, such as those for using drugs or alcohol or engaging in prohibited activities may indicate that you need additional support in order to successfully comply with your probation agreement. If this is the case, you may be ordered to attend a drug or alcohol treatment program, or to attend counseling. If you are found to have violated probation, you may also be ordered to perform a specific amount of community service or to pay a fine. Unfortunately, some violations of probation have very serious consequences including temporary jail time, an extension of the probation term, revocation of probation and confinement for the remainder of the term, or even new criminal charges if you committed a crime while violating probation.

Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra – Providing Texans with a Strong Defense

It is important that you be represented by an attorney at a violation of probation hearing. These hearings take place before a judge, and your attorney can present evidence and testimony from witnesses during the hearing.  If you have been charged with violating probation, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Alex Tyra may be able to help you. To learn more, please call our office today, at (903) 753-7499. Alternatively, you may contact us online.




Texas DWI Defense Attorney Describes What Happens After a DWI Arrest

Many people are familiar with what happens prior to a DWI arrest – a law enforcement officer stops a vehicle, determines that they think that the driver is intoxicated, and arrests them. Unless you have been arrested for DWI before, you may not know what happens after a DWI arrest. Of course, each arrest is a unique situation, but there are some things that do occur after most DWI arrests.

When a driver is being arrested for DWI, their vehicle is not simply left on the side of the road indefinitely as they leave the scene in a police car. In some cases, the driver is fortunate enough to be able to make contact with a family member who can move their car. Unfortunately, in other cases, a tow truck must be called to move the vehicle which will add to the total cost of the driver’s DWI arrest experience.

Depending upon where you are arrested, you may be transported by law enforcement to the magistrate’s office, or to the county jail. Wherever you end up, you will spend some time there as things get sorted out. Many drivers spend between ten and twelve hours at the magistrate’s office or in jail, but if it is a holiday or a weekend, they may have to stay there a lot longer because they have plenty of company. Sometimes, drivers have a physical or mental health emergency and must be transported to a hospital or brought to the medical center of the jail instead of to the magistrate’s office or a holding cell.

Once those initial steps of the process have occurred, you will be booked into the system and allowed to make two phone calls. Usually you are restricted to making local calls, but people from outside of the local area may be permitted to make long distance calls. The next step in the process is that the police will decide where you will stay until it is time for you to be released. These intermediate steps often take about an hour, but as mentioned before, if there are many people being arrested at the same time that you are, your experience may take substantially longer. Before you are able to be released, bond must usually be paid by someone on your behalf. Depending upon the situation, you may be eligible to be released on a personal recognizance bond, which means that you do not have to supply any bond money. Once bond has been taken care of, there is further processing and paperwork which must be completed before your release actually occurs.

Texas DWI Defense Attorney Alex Tyra – Defending Texas Drivers Against DWI Charges

If you ever get arrested for DWI and you are taken into custody, use one of your two phone calls to contact an experienced Texas DWI defense attorney. Your DWI defense attorney can provide you with the legal support that you need during all of the stages of your DWI experience. Texas DWI Defense Attorney Alex Tyra has experience with helping Texans stand up to their DWI charges. To learn more, please call our office today, at (903) 753-7499, or contact us online.