Is Depression Linked To Shoplifting?
In our lives we face many different aspects of life that vary with each day that we encounter. While some days can be exciting, and harmonious for us other days can hold stress, and strife. However, in our lives we simply just do not have the time to evaluate all of these emotions and take care of them and ultimately have to keep pushing with the busy schedules that we have. However, today, depression is an aspect of life, and our emotions that is very present in the United States that affects thousands of individuals on many different levels.
The Facts of Depression
The majority of the time individuals, who are feeling “under the weather”, or sad, simply take a day or so to pull them out of the gloom. However, depression is a mental disease that can cause serious psychological and emotional issues now, and later down the road. Most of the time, individuals will seek out a therapist, or licensed psychologist to help identify, and discuss their depression. Yet, depression also has to deal with your body as well and prescription medication is also prescribed to many in order to fight back the negative, sad feelings chemically.
Alternative Therapy Means Criminal Charges
Yet, today, there are many individuals in America that do not seek treatment for their depression and ultimately make poor decisions as a result of it. One aspect of depression that is affecting one group of individuals today is that of shoplifting. Middle-aged women are the group with depression that is most likely to shoplift, especially if they do not have any past legal discrepancies. Unfortunately, however, shoplifting is a crime in all 50 states that individuals can not only be charged with, but also ultimately convicted. When an individual shoplifts they have serious consequences that include fines, jail time, probation, and the fact that it will permanently be on your record.
However, accidents and mistakes are a common aspect of our lives whether it is spilling milk, or running out of gas. Shoplifting is an unfortunate mistake that some people make everyday, which is evidently more likely to occur with those with depression. However, if you have made the mistake of shoplifting you need an experienced criminal attorney on your side from start to finish with your case. By doing so, your attorney can factor in many aspects of your correlation to the shoplifting incident taking place, including that of depression.
Contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C. For a Free Consultation When you need assistance from an experienced attorney or if you need to better understand you legal options, contact The Law Office of Alex Tyra, P.C., at (903) 753-7499. All initial consultations are free. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.